RANGER AR-3300 & AR-3500
( by Clear Channel - NOT RCI )
The AR-3500 is the 100 watt version of the 3300


Select desired frequency, and push ENTER.

Push desired preset selection (1-5) and push ENTER Repeat for up to 5 preset freqs.

All of your presets will now be scanned by pushing MEM Any of these may be erased by pushing cancel while on that preset

Low Frequencies 2.9 to 30 Mhz


1---Program any one freq. into memory not to exceed 4 chs. into memory.

2---Push manual.

3---Push enter.

4---Push 10k down.

5---Push enter.

6---Push memory, freq. display will read 2.933.0 7---Push 1K up.

8---Push 1 Mhz. up slowly until display reads 24.450.0.

9---Push enter.

10--Push 100Hz + or -.

11--Push enter.

12--Push memory.

13--Push manual.

14--Push scan prog..

15--Push 10K up.

16--Push enter twice.

17--Push 1 Mhz. up twice, display will read 26.450.0.

18--Push enter..........END OF PROGRAM!!!

You must use scan up or down to obtain frequencies, you can use the squelch button (on 3500 only) for auto scan or squelch off for manual stepping. Unit will now transmit from 24.850 (approx) to 30 Mhz.


To scan freqs. from 2.933.0 to 27.933.0, do the following:

1---Enter any 1 freq. into memory.

2---Push manual.

3---Push enter.

4---Push 10K down.

5---Push enter.

6---Push memory, display will read 2.933.0.

7---Push manual.

8---Push scan prog..

9---Push 1K up.

10--Push enter twice.

11--Push 1 Mhz. up until display reads 27.933.0.

12--Push enter..............END OF PROGRAM.!!!

It will now scan freqs. 2.933.0 to 27.933.0

ATTENTION!!!--------This conversion may not work on some AR-3300's.


1---Program any one freq. into memory not to exceed 4 chs. into memory.

2---Push manual.

3---Push enter.

4---Push 10K down.

5---Push enter.

6---Push memory, freq. display will read 2.933.0.

7---Push 1K up, display will read 3.450.0.

8---Push enter.

9---Push 100Hz + or -.

10--Push enter.

11--Push memory.

12--Push manual.

13--Push scan program.

14--Push 10K up.

15--Push enter twice.

16--Push 1 MHz up until you reach desired freq. for upper limits, ie; 29.450.0, Once you have reached the megahert for upper limit, you may enter exact freq. by any of the control buttons, 100Hz, 1K, 10K, etc, example; you may want desired freq. 29.990.0 or 28.505.5

17--Push enter..............END OF PROGRAM !!

This is for Ranger that has not been converted from 10 meters.

Obtaining 26.965 to 27.405 ( CB CH. 1 to 40 )

1---Enter any freq. into memory not to exceed 4 memories.

2---Push manual.

3---Push enter.

4---Push 10K down.

5---Push enter.

6---Push memory. Freq. will read 2.933.0.

7---Push 1K up. Freq. will read 3.450.0.

8---Push 1Meg. up until freq. reads 24.450.0.

9---Push 1K up 3 times SLOWLY. Freq. will read 26.965.0.

10--Push enter.

11--Push 1K up.

12--Push enter twice.

13--Push manual.

14--Push memory.

15--Push scan program.

16--Push 100K up.

17--Push 10K down 6 times.

18--Push enter...........END OF PROGRAM !!

To obtain reg. 40 channels push scan up or down to begin program.

NOTE !!! Do not try to go beyond upper or lower limits. If you do, program will lock up and you will have to hit the reset button and re-program !!!

12 Meter Through 10 Meters

This is for Rangers that have already been converted.

1---Push manual.

2---Push enter.

3---Push 10K down.

4---Push enter.

5---Push memory.

6---Push 1K up.

7---Push 1 Mhz. until you reach 24.450.0.

8---Push enter.

9---Push 100Hz up.

10--Push memory.

11--Push manual.

12--Push scan program.

13--Push 10K up.

14--Push enter twice.

15--Push 1 Mhz. to freq. 26.450.0.

16--Push 10K down to 26.050.0.

17--Push enter.........END OF PROGRAM !!!!

Unit will go from 24.450 to 26.050 by using scan up or down. Then use regular conversion for 26.000.0 to 30Mhz.

To Scan 26.965.0 - 27.405.0 (CB channels 1 - 40 and "A" channels)

Modified version of Program 3 above, this is for Rangers that have been converted.

*This is probably the program you want. See the 3 pin conversion at the bottom*

1---Program any one freq. into memory not to exceed 4 chs. into memory.

2---Push manual.

3---Push enter.

4---Push 10K down.

5---Push enter.

6---Push memory, freq. display will read 2.933.0.

7---Push 1K up VERY SLOWLY, until display will reads 26.000.0 (It will take about 10 pushes of the 1k button, and may take as long as 5 seconds per button push for freq to change!) Push 100k, 10k and 1k buttons up until you get 26.965.0 (CB channel 1)

8---Push enter.

9---Push 100Hz + or -.

10--Push enter.

11--Push memory.

12--Push manual.

13--Push scan program.

14--Push 10K up.

15--Push enter twice.

16--Push 1 mhz up once Display will read 27.965.0 Push 100k and 10k buttons down until you get 27.405.0 (CB channel 40).

17--Push enter..............END OF PROGRAM !!

Pushing the SCAN button up or down will now scan the 40 CB channels plus the "A" channels until the squelch breaks.

Any freq from 26.000.0 - 29.999.9 can still be accessed manually (or programmed and scanned with the MEM button as one of the 5 presets) by using the 1mhz, 100k, 10k, 1k, and 100hz buttons.

TO CONVERT FROM 10 METER ONLY TO 26.000 - 29.999
And other mods that can be done.

Remove cover that has speaker on it. With front of radio facing you. Look for 3 pins together at the front on the main board. Short the 3 pins together. (Note: these are not jumper type pins, so you will have to solder a short piece of bare wire across these 3 pins.)

Other mods while you are in there:

Mod Limiter
cut Q43 (any leg)

Variable power:

Talk Back:
cut D73

NOTE: The RESET switch will erase all presets and programming when the unit is powered off. Also, all programming and presets will be lost if power is removed from the radio. Hook it directly to the battery!

If you obtained a used Ranger without documentation, this stuff should help you avoid some of the problems that I experienced. The AR-3300 and AR-3500 are some of the best 10-meter rigs ever built, so you freebanders should keep an eye out for deals on them. Enjoy!

Some of this modification was supplied by Thingfish

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