Search found 20 matches

by ouxly40
Saturday 17th Nov 2007, 12:06
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: superstar 3900
Replies: 1
Views: 4702


does the green light change to red when you key the mic?
by ouxly40
Saturday 17th Nov 2007, 12:03
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: Led Channel Display
Replies: 2
Views: 6501


This would be a very time consuming and complicated procedure. I have not done it on that board but have done so on many other older radios. If you feel you can handle this I may be able to talk you through it.
by ouxly40
Saturday 17th Nov 2007, 12:00
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: Galaxy DX959 Mod!!!Help
Replies: 2
Views: 6186

driver mod

Changing the driver to a mosfet will increase the power as the new driver will provide a slightly higher drive for the 2 finals.
by ouxly40
Saturday 17th Nov 2007, 11:57
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: My Gripe.
Replies: 29
Views: 59431

Thanks Rick

At least once a week I scan the forum for questions with 1 or 0 replies to see if I can help. It always turns out that I can not offer help or the 1 reply was from you - offering a solution.
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 15:17
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: shooting star 200 amp
Replies: 1
Views: 5797


If I remember correctly that amp is not tunable. Just set the dead-key on the radio at about 2 to 3 watts and put a swr meter between the 2 to make sure there is no harmonics there. then swr after the amp for another check.
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 15:15
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: New Install Question?
Replies: 2
Views: 6647


From the radio to the skipper you need a short (3ft) jumper. Then to the DOsy you need another jumper. This one could even be some RG213 or 214 but not really required for that amount of power. Then the coax that connects to the Antenna.
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 15:11
Forum: CB Antenna Systems
Topic: Looking for An Antron 99
Replies: 2
Views: 7195

Antron 99

Are you kidding? You know what the shipping would be? WOW!!!
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 15:09
Forum: CB Antenna Systems
Topic: Best Mobile Antenna? (Mobile Beams?)
Replies: 9
Views: 22259


There is not really a better antenna. The best antenna is the one that works best on that vehicle. Wilson 1000 is good but does not always do well in some applications. Try several ones and see what SWR you get and compare field strength from each.
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 15:07
Forum: CB Radio Alignments
Topic: corbra 25 ltd wx classic
Replies: 1
Views: 7007


You don't add parts - you take some away and then tune it.
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 15:06
Forum: CB Radio Alignments
Topic: preaset id-for magnum S-9
Replies: 2
Views: 9018


Has the SSB limiter been opened? Has someone been in the alignments?
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 15:04
Forum: CB Radio Alignments
Topic: magnum s-980
Replies: 1
Views: 6708


You can lower the deadkey with the internal adjustment. very simple
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 15:02
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: cobra 18 wx st II
Replies: 1
Views: 5585

cobra 18

Not much can be done on that one. Pull the 1ufd cap connected to the limiter will give a little more modulation. If you try tuning the output slugs you will likely break them - they are glued in place. If you are already thinking about more power, do yourself a favor and get a radio that can be tink...
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 14:59
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: daul finals in a galaxy 959
Replies: 3
Views: 7467


You will not see that much power from that radio with the dual mosfets. In order to get that much you will need to make some major changes. It's not worth it. Get an external amp or install an internal amp.
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 14:55
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: New Cobra SE ekl mod
Replies: 6
Views: 11385

29 mosfet

Measure the bias and get back to us.
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 14:48
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: uniden madison
Replies: 2
Views: 6451


Most likely you need a complete alignment of the PLL and transmitter circuits.
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 14:46
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Cobra 150 gtl Echo
Replies: 1
Views: 5376

150 echo

Check the controls and the connections to the controls.
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 14:45
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: cobra 18 ultra w/weather no rx or tx
Replies: 6
Views: 10534


If that model has the little stand-up boards - there is your problem. Re-solder them.
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 14:43
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Pace 8046 No audio
Replies: 2
Views: 6245


The mic can be the problem. The external speaker jack can be the problem. When you transmit, is there modulation? If not it's the audio chip or in case of 2 transistors one will be bad.
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 14:41
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: midland plus 98 and uniden
Replies: 2
Views: 5855


check the squelch clamps on both radios
by ouxly40
Monday 9th Apr 2007, 14:39
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: 5-tone roger beep
Replies: 1
Views: 4807

5 tone

how much does the supply voltage change from engine off to engine running?