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by Dx_freak
Monday 1st Oct 2007, 11:56
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Replies: 1
Views: 5352

On the top and or bottom of the meter itself, you will see a screw, very carfully back off the screw on the top of the meter and watch the needle of the meter while doing so. It will only take a small amount of force to turn the screw, also, if you go to far you will knock the needle off its axis so...
by Dx_freak
Saturday 22nd Sep 2007, 15:47
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: Roger Fart
Replies: 27
Views: 58574

Roger Fart Mod

Here is my 1st post on this site and a good topic for doing so. I aggre with all that all info should be for helping all and all questions should be answered and in a non abrasive way. Folks come to these forums for help and guidance not to be slamed and/or bashed. A simple question deserves and sim...