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by buzz T
Tuesday 6th May 2008, 10:10
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Superstar ss158 EDX muffled modulation on Fm
Replies: 9
Views: 18660

muffled mod on ss-158edx

Hi brian

Sorry for the delay on the reply. I've been a bit busy.

The modulation sounded fine with the 4n7 capacitor in but sounded slightly better in my case with the 1n8 capacitor. Overall the modulation is 100% better.

Mick T
by buzz T
Sunday 13th Apr 2008, 8:14
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Superstar ss158 EDX muffled modulation on Fm
Replies: 9
Views: 18660

Hi Brian
Thanks for the information regarding the echo board. I have replaced R1 with the 10K you suggested and replaced C4 with a smaller value of 1800pf. Tried a number of different values of capacitor and the 1800pf was the best in this case.
Thanks for your help.
by buzz T
Sunday 13th Apr 2008, 8:08
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Superstar ss158 EDX muffled modulation on Fm
Replies: 9
Views: 18660

Hi Brian
Thanks for the information regarding the echo board. I have replaced R1 with the 10K you suggested and replaced C4 with a smaller value of 1800pf. Tried a number of different values of capacitor and the 1800pf was the best in this case.
Thanks for your help.