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Thursday 15th Jan 2009, 2:45
Forum: CB Antenna Systems
Topic: interested in beams ??
Replies: 9
Views: 18120

interested in beams ??

animal, just having fun. i mispell common words on porpoise to see if people catch them. you have a grade of "a". see yah.
Wednesday 14th Jan 2009, 15:42
Forum: CB Antenna Systems
Topic: interested in beams ??
Replies: 9
Views: 18120

interested in beams ??

dude, i fear no man so don't feel like you have intimadated me in the least. you don't like the answers, don't post. your post started this, live with it. oh yeah, spare me the childish emoticons. if you can't express yourself any better, leave it be.
Wednesday 14th Jan 2009, 4:50
Forum: CB Antenna Systems
Topic: interested in beams ??
Replies: 9
Views: 18120

interested in beams ??

i am sure that you are a professional antenna analyist and know all. therefore i am waiting your choice of antenna, with specs, of course. nobody takes for real the specs in the ads. the "?" was asked and a place for the person who asked was given. what i did not say was that i certainly d...
Monday 17th Nov 2008, 15:53
Forum: Shout Outs
Topic: Looking For 2 c.b.ers
Replies: 0
Views: 7108

Looking For 2 c.b.ers

if anyone knows how to get in touch with pancho villa or groucho send 'em my way. thanks.
Wednesday 3rd Sep 2008, 7:28
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: demco power modulator
Replies: 3
Views: 8308


thank you for answering. i had an idea that is what it was for, but it never hurts to ask. thanks again.
Wednesday 27th Aug 2008, 14:49
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Replies: 7
Views: 17809


i have an answer.the rm3 can be purchased at copper their part no. is w90-20040, and sells for $7.50.
Wednesday 27th Aug 2008, 9:11
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: dx 99
Replies: 4
Views: 7484

dx 99

rick, i believe an explanation is necessary. 2 yrs ago i was in the hospital for surgury. my lt leg was amputated. while i was there, my wife was there with me. my chow was at the vets being boarded. some thieves stole most of my equipment and radios. the only things they didn't get were locked in t...
Wednesday 27th Aug 2008, 8:42
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: dx 99
Replies: 4
Views: 7484

dx 99

rick, there is nothing left of the board where the legs go, or went. the transistor, a 2sc1969, legs were burned off. i have tried to bridge the legs to the board, but the cremated spot is the size of a postage stamp. a big postage stamp. i am going to put it back in the stockpile as i only have thr...
Wednesday 27th Aug 2008, 6:28
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: SuperStar 200
Replies: 3
Views: 8844

super star 200

hey, guardogg, glad it worked out so well! i would consider putting a cooling fan over the heat sink to keep it cool during long keydowns. i am interested in your work on this, how about a pic or two. thanks.
Wednesday 27th Aug 2008, 2:46
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: Making your own amp
Replies: 5
Views: 13778

making your own amp

you can check out the interiors of different amps at amateur linear
Wednesday 27th Aug 2008, 2:40
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: dx 2517
Replies: 0
Views: 4682

dx 2517

what is the BEST way to boost audio, (swing), in these radios besides maxxing the mod vr?
Wednesday 27th Aug 2008, 2:35
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: swing kit
Replies: 3
Views: 6440

swing kit

sure helps radios get out. lo dk, hi swing.
Wednesday 27th Aug 2008, 2:31
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: dx 99
Replies: 4
Views: 7484

dx 99

i am amazed that out of all the people who browse here , that i haven't gotten an answer to my dilemma. well, i'll keep on checking. thank you. i'm not being a wise a--, i mean it, thank you.
Wednesday 27th Aug 2008, 2:25
Forum: CB Radio General
Topic: radio noise
Replies: 5
Views: 10459

radio noise

i believe, m & p audio sell a power cord with a noise reducer in-line. may or may not help, but might be worth the try.
Wednesday 27th Aug 2008, 2:20
Forum: Shout Outs
Topic: hey, 808
Replies: 0
Views: 6765

hey, 808

i know you browse here, so give me a holler!
Wednesday 27th Aug 2008, 2:19
Forum: Shout Outs
Topic: hey, 808
Replies: 0
Views: 6664

hey, 808

i know you browse here, so give me a holler!
Tuesday 26th Aug 2008, 13:04
Forum: CB Antenna Systems
Topic: interested in beams ??
Replies: 9
Views: 18120

interested in beams

i know it's a way late reply, but jo-gunn antennas (beams) are tops. gizmotchy as well. they ain't cheap! m & p audio sells both.
Tuesday 26th Aug 2008, 12:45
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: LA-900 amp
Replies: 2
Views: 9835

la 900

.i have asked the same question with exactly the same results. i have an la 425 and an la 900 and don't have a clue. if you ever find out, please let me know. thanks.
Tuesday 26th Aug 2008, 12:23
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Replies: 4
Views: 9076

rm klv amps

i have had a couple of rm mobile amps and they both had issues. the first did the same as yours and i switched for another with higher wattage, might have been a 350, i'm not sure. anyhow , i did not have any luck with that one either. i sold it and put my texas star 500v back in. i'm not saying the...
Tuesday 26th Aug 2008, 12:12
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: Gray 400
Replies: 2
Views: 6480

gray 400

woody, i am watching this for an answer as well. some of my boxes are good on hi power,( swr wise) and some are not. i guess they are summer boxes. summer good and summer not. i'm interested in the answer as well.
Tuesday 26th Aug 2008, 12:04
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: Cobra 19 DX IV mods???
Replies: 24
Views: 81916

cobra 19 dx iv

why fool with a swing kit, lower chls and all that when you could get a radio with all that in it for about $150.00, echo included?
Tuesday 26th Aug 2008, 11:55
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: turner mic
Replies: 4
Views: 8468

turner mic

unit 67, buenas noches, gracias por la informaci'on. adios.
Tuesday 26th Aug 2008, 2:43
Forum: Wanted !
Topic: WANTED ???????
Replies: 2
Views: 6769


ihave a stonewall jackson for sale, will that help?
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 17:08
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: cobra 29 LTD Audio is WEEk
Replies: 4
Views: 7598

cobra 29

woody, you are minus 2 points for spelling. week in this instance is spelled weak. please continue the test. just kidding woody, don't get mad. if it wasn't for spellchecker i " wood" be lost. lol.
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 16:50
Forum: CB Radio General
Topic: radio noise
Replies: 5
Views: 10459

radio noise

good idea, but you don't want to run a big truck out of fuel, they are a collossal pain in the ;;;; to re prime and get running. 2 filters to remove, fill, and replace. try a ground wire from the door itself to the frame of the cab. being your cab is on air bags, rear, and pivots, front, try groundi...
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 16:42
Forum: CB Radio General
Topic: Which one?
Replies: 4
Views: 8552

which one

what animal said is right. doggone good radio.
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 16:40
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: B3000 linear amplifier
Replies: 3
Views: 8368


take a look at the pills and check the nos. does it have a drive section? the size of the driver usually will tell if you can hit it hard or not.
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 16:34
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: SuperStar 200
Replies: 3
Views: 8844

superstar 200

i would check to see if the board and the circuitry could handle it, ie: drive and cooling.
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 16:29
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: demco power modulator
Replies: 3
Views: 8308

demco power modulator

the thing was sold today, but i would still like to know for the future.
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 16:27
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: built in linears
Replies: 9
Views: 24531

built in linear

i don't know much about these boards, but is there a relay sticking? maybe a lower dk would help.
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 16:23
Forum: CB Radio General
Topic: How Far do you Xmit
Replies: 4
Views: 12606

how far

humidity in the air will affect power so u may not get out as far on humid days. also, 50 watts isn't very much power, but every bit helps.
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 16:17
Forum: CB Radio General
Replies: 14
Views: 28757

clays radio shop

i have stopped at clays several times when i was trucking. it is a neat, clean, shop with a large parking lot. off exit 370 of i-20 if i remember right. the salesmen and the techs were always courtious, helpful, and most importantly---available. no matter how busy they were, they would always answer...
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 15:50
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Replies: 2
Views: 5529

cobra 29 problem

como esta , amigo,,,en opinio'n mi, tu radio emisora est no bueno para nada. por favor, mi espanol es mui malo. adios amigo mio.
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 15:17
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: blown polarity diodes
Replies: 6
Views: 9307

blown polarity diode

hey woody, good suggestion, but i did that first thing. for a while i was tearing my hair out. i have stopped now. i'm out of hair. being bald ain't so bad. i hope it grows back. thanks,woody for your help. see ya'h.
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 9:10
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: Cobra 29 ltd Mod or Linear ?
Replies: 2
Views: 8138

cobra 29 mod

keep your dk about 1 to 3 watts, get your swing hi, 15 , 20, whatever, and get a fatboy amp. a 350 variable, a 500, etc. just because an amp says hi=drive, doesn't mean it needs a lot of watts. it just means that it is capable of handling them. i run a 1x6, all 2879's, (hi=drive), with a galaxy 2517...
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 8:57
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: How many have done cobra final upgrade here , does it work
Replies: 24
Views: 50440

cobra finals

i'm not sure of the mosfets, i'm old school. i have used a 2sc1969, in these radios and they work well. there are some left out there, but beware! some people have made a stamp with the mitsubishi logo and are stamping cb-20's with this label. the 69's do a very good job, as with any part, it's only...
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 8:42
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: Is there a Cobra 148GTL Dual Final Mod?
Replies: 5
Views: 11196

cobra 148

that old guy is talking to hear himself. no sutch mod for 100 watts. i think his wire is clipped. peak & tune and they do well. leave the mod choke in. buy a good amp, and you'll b talkin'.
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 8:29
Forum: CB Radio General
Topic: Citizen Base?
Replies: 7
Views: 12774

citzen base

this is not an answer, but i have heard of them. haven't seen one, but they do exist. my pm ain't workin' , what part of w.v. are you from?
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 0:23
Forum: CB Radio General
Topic: Voyage VR 9000 or OmegaForce S45 or Ranger SS-158EDX
Replies: 3
Views: 7580

what radio

try a stryker 490. i have one and it is an excellent radio. mine dk's 47 watts and swings 132 watts on a dosy 4002 psw meter with 14.8 volts from my power supply. just a thought. good luck. oh yeah, the dk and output are variable.
Monday 25th Aug 2008, 0:15
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: blown polarity diodes
Replies: 6
Views: 9307

blown pol diode

no, no movement on the meter. like i said, no receive at all unless the board is shorted to the frame. i can't find out what is causing this annoying problem. probably something simple. thanx for your reply.
Sunday 24th Aug 2008, 10:49
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: dx 99
Replies: 4
Views: 7484

dx 99

i was stupid enuff to loan my 99 to an ex-friend. a final blew, and he took it to dummass's cb butcher shop to have it "repaired" b 4 i found out. mr. dummass fried the board, probably with a propane torch using mapp gas, so bad i cannot figure the thing out. i have tried to bridge the cir...
Sunday 24th Aug 2008, 10:32
Forum: Wanted !
Topic: Blue Channel Display
Replies: 1
Views: 5356

blue display

these are some of the co's i use. i hope this isn't considered spam. heck, i don't even know what spam is. used to be lousy meat in a can that the military used to feed us. rf parts, westgate labs, m&p audio, pacetronics, starelectronics, & radio city. if this doesn't work,i have a few more....
Sunday 24th Aug 2008, 6:40
Forum: CB Antenna Systems
Topic: What antenna is this?
Replies: 1
Views: 6765

what antenna is this

i have 2 of those. got them in a truck-stop in harrisonburg,va. the package said "road-pro", but God only knows who made them. road-pro sells all kinds of stuff. mostly in a road-pro package. clean the paint off of all the connection areas, especially where the stinger goes into the main s...
Sunday 24th Aug 2008, 6:19
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: Suggestions from the knowledgable people
Replies: 3
Views: 8516


you can have a radio doing 200 watts, but if your coax, antenna, and ground aren't good, you may as well open the window and yell. in short, the radio is only as good as your coax , antenna,swr, and ground. if it can't get out, you are wastin' your time. get it peaked & tuned by a reputable shop...
Sunday 24th Aug 2008, 5:44
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: base amp question
Replies: 2
Views: 6189

base amp question

is your power supply internal or external? different place, different answers. one is easier to remedy than the other.
Sunday 24th Aug 2008, 5:36
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: demco power modulator
Replies: 3
Views: 8308

demco power modulator

what exactly is this, what does it do, how many watts, and does it go b-4 an amp, is it an amp, and where is the yellow brick road? thanx.
Sunday 24th Aug 2008, 4:22
Forum: Tech Area
Topic: Cobra 19 DX-IV
Replies: 3
Views: 11637

cobra dx 19

howdy, guys, i have a dx 19 iv and am getting 19 watts on a swing on a dosy 4002 psw. there is no distortion with my radio. maybe the dates of assembly have something to do with this. maybe its a run of bad boards,who knows? you may be able to fix this. maybe(i like this word,does it show?) the pre ...
Sunday 24th Aug 2008, 4:09
Forum: Tech Area
Topic: come on, somebody knows
Replies: 1
Views: 7078

come on, somebody knows

i have a 7 color led that was pulled out of a friend's radio a while back. it has 3 legs,the middle being hot (with a 1k res) i can get this to run a cycle once, then it quits. i have tried this thing 7 ways from sunday, all combinations, and it don't work 'tall (genuine hillbilly slang). thanks for...
Sunday 24th Aug 2008, 3:44
Forum: Wanted !
Topic: Galaxy DX88HL Front or Faceplate
Replies: 2
Views: 5568

galaxy faceplate

i have one faceplate&front but it is for a north(?) 9900. same as my 88, but a different name. if this helps, ok, if not,sorry. i understand the better name on the front, but this is cheap! a few bucks, and you pay shipping. thanks.
Sunday 24th Aug 2008, 3:37
Forum: Wanted !
Topic: Turner Super Sidekick
Replies: 3
Views: 7839

turner mic

i have a turner super side kick, an 81/2 out of 10. works great. i have disconnected the relay feature as it is useless on todays radios w/pll. i will be willing to sell it, or better yet, trade. what'cha got??? i'll trade on most anything. see my profile for my interests. of course, i'm up for idea...