dx959 rf output increase mod? question

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dx959 rf output increase mod? question

Post by sargeott »

Well I
performed this following modification to my dx 959 with no noticeable effect positive or negative, found at


"This modification will allow the DX959 & DX949 to exhibit the RF output and swing of the Galaxy DX-series 10-meter radios. The board was always capable of this type of output; it was simply choked off by the design engineers in order to meet FCC 11-meter specifications.

The first thing you need to do is turn up VR14 which is the AM high power variable. If you?ve already done the modulation improvements, you should be able to dead key about 8-10 watts and swing around 15 watts. 18 watts is probably the best you?ll get (using a peak-reading Bird wattmeter). Now, perform the following modifications:

Remove C218 (3pf) and discard.
Change C216 (470pf) to a 1000pf (100V mylar-type)
Remove C210 (470pf) and discard.
Remove C199 (560pf) and reinstall it in the C210 spot.
Adjust your dead key to around 5 watts. I was able to achieve average peak swing readings of around 35 watts. Depending on the audio input (voice or whistle), I was able to whistle myself to readings of over 40 watts peak! There was a slight decrease in modulation and it seemed as though I was really pushing it. I found that I was able to regain the modulation level by lowering the dead key (using the RF Power control on the radio face) to around 2.5 watts. This netted peak swing readings of just around 28 watts! More than enough given the fact that the modulation was over 95% and crystal clear! This is just about the same performance that I got from my Galaxy DX66V after performing the 1N4001 diode heavy swing modification. "

I did not do the modulation improvements like the beginning of the directions say were, I'm assuming, alluding to.
Could this be the reason I do not see a gain in my rf output? And if I need to do the Modulation mod at the top of that gentlemans page I do not know which leg of q39 to put my 1k on (it says emitter and I'm not sure which one of the three legs that is)
I have plowboys swing modification performed currently and I'm dead keying 5-6 and swinging approx 18. I have the bipolar radio made in 03. help please
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Re: Galaxy DX959 rf output increase mod? question.

Post by Rick »

If Q39 is 2SC945 then look at the front (Flat Side) left leg is the Emitter, centre leg is Collector, and right leg is Base.

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Post by sargeott »

so do you think my results were not vary impressive due to me not doing the modulation mod. And have you had good results doing either
DX, the STARS the limit!
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