i want to buy a galaxy dx98vhp but it is 10 meters insted of 11 i want to no how to do a mod to make it 11 meters and any way i can beef it up . it is sussposed to do 150 watts out the box but i still want more. is there any way i can get it.
i have this radio...does over 200 watts, no problem..i deadkey it at 40 watts and let it swing....personally i would get it converted and tuned at the same time by a reputable tech...
if i was going to get some thing to go behind it what would be recomended the radio it self does adout 225 watts.what kind of foot wormer would be sutable for this radio to drive
Hey Install a modulation kit,lowers your deadkey and gives ya full swing of the radio, But significantly increases your audio ,,everybody will be asking ya who did the work on tour radio..Ya should see 200 waTTS SWING
i have the same radio and i did the jump myself but i would like more .
my radio only does like 80 watts max does any on here know of a good tech that could help me out with tuning and Alignment and a pill upgrade..