I have a 24 ft. IMax 2000 base station antenna weeble-wobbling on 18 ft. or so of unsafe fencing top rail hammered in the ground with no guy wires. I'd like to abandon the majority of my current approach and find the cheapest but strongest approach to getting it over 36 ft. high at the base.
Amazingly, I've searched the web all evening and found little.
Does anyone have any good links to do-it-your-self or maybe economical telescoping kits I'm yet to find?
Ebay stinks surprisingly in this respect.
Feasible seasonal dismantling for hurricanes is a plus.
Tampa Bay, FL ("The Sandpile"), US
how to get my base station antenna high cheap?
Previously with CB verticals, i have got some 'L' section steel welded (at a local workshop or friend with welder/grinder) to form a 'T' with a u-bolt/muffler clamp through the 'base' of the tee to be fitted around the mast, and a couple of coach screws on the other two ends to be screwed into the fascia board, just below the guttering of the house.
Drive a 'star' picket (steel post) into the ground a foot or so leaving around 3 feet exposed, use hose clamps or muffler clamps to go around the steel picket AND mast.
Mast could comprise of a couple of lengths of cheap galvanized pipe telescoped into one another maybe a foot at most, and bolted (or ideally) welded together.
Stock lengths of gal-pipe are around 21foot long.
So this will get your vertical up around 40 feet fairly cheaply.
It would also be an idea to use some guy wires attached to a hose clamp or similar about 2/3's the way up the mast, and extended and fastened out to suitable anchor points.
I hope this helps and doesn't just sound stupid..
Best of luck.
Drive a 'star' picket (steel post) into the ground a foot or so leaving around 3 feet exposed, use hose clamps or muffler clamps to go around the steel picket AND mast.
Mast could comprise of a couple of lengths of cheap galvanized pipe telescoped into one another maybe a foot at most, and bolted (or ideally) welded together.
Stock lengths of gal-pipe are around 21foot long.
So this will get your vertical up around 40 feet fairly cheaply.
It would also be an idea to use some guy wires attached to a hose clamp or similar about 2/3's the way up the mast, and extended and fastened out to suitable anchor points.
I hope this helps and doesn't just sound stupid..
Best of luck.
Not silly at all -- that's the kind of post(s) I'm hoping for. My antenna booklet shows different types of hypothetical scenarios, but doesn't go into building materials or other specifics. For example, I was wondering what to fasten the guy wires to as far as ones that would go to the ground (vs. the house). I started planning on creating little concrete "dead men" or whatever with eye hooks, when a freind pointed out that screw-in mobile home anchors would work fine and be easier.
Thanks again!
Thanks again!
There is a stake for the backyard,it is a animal stake.
You get at walmart , It has a stake that unfolds from the side it would have more strangth than the sprial ones .It comes red orange with a chain on it ,to hook your guywire..
You get at walmart , It has a stake that unfolds from the side it would have more strangth than the sprial ones .It comes red orange with a chain on it ,to hook your guywire..