I am JT, and I am a newcomer. I am an old CB'er that goes back to the early 70's. I haven't been on the air for about 7 years. What I'd like to know is; What happened to CB land? I don't hear anyone on the whole 40 Channels. Even Channel 19 is silent. What's happening? Someone help me please. Let me know that I'm not dreaming. I live in Southern Indiana. Thanks!
JT,it could have something to do with the solar cycle having been at the bottom for the last couple of years,no solar activity,no skip,people lose interest.The new cycle has started so hopefully in the next year or so things should pick up.By the way I used to talk to some people in your area back in the late 70,s early 80,s on 26.505 lsb,we had a club called the VLF ssb club,maybe I talked to you at sometime.
I talked to so many people back then, there is a strong possiblity that I talked with you. I talked just about everywhere back in those good old days. Well bob, thanks a lot for that info. Now it all makes sense. As you said, it's not much fun unless the good old Skip is running. Have a good one now! Thanks!
Just another thought, I am always on at night, and the airwaves are still somewhat busy, especially 1,6,12, 19, 19A and 38LSB. You might just have a reception problem, have you checked your coax, antenna and radio? I'm not trying to sound condesending, but it could just be a hardware problem. 73's
Sorry Red Eye, I have no reception problems. I don't know where you are, but here around Southern Indiana, there is zero Skip, and every now and then I will hear some Truckers going through the City. About 2 weeks ago, some skip came in around 6:30 P.M. I haven't heard any since. In addition, the only Channel that is busy sometimes here, is Channel 27. Thanks for responding!
Skip is till preety good here, not as much as a few years ago though... Central Florida is where I am, so get alot across the waters from TX, LA, MS area...
Good luck and maybe I'll try pointing the beams your way and screamin!!!!! 73's!
I don't know where in Indiana you are, I am right between Indy and Dayton ohio, near Richmond.
There is quite a bit of cb traffic around here, channel 18, and 23 are the 2 main channels that are used in this area, with the occasional ssb on 38 and some on channels outside of the 40.
Most guys around here have gone to ham radio as I have, but I still keep a cb around.
Good luck & 73'
I appreciate your reply Booger 351. Actually, I am in Southern Indiana at the Kentucky Line. It is deader than a door knob here. As I stated earlier, I can hear the truckers from time to time, but they don't talk near as much as they use to. I guess it will be that way until the skip returns. 73's back to you. Thanks!
Yeah we are in the low period of the solar cycle, things should gradually pick up over the next few years, I know there are quite a few hams that operate around lawrenceburg on 2 meters 147.285, if you have a scanner and are in that area you might put that in and give them a listen.
I have been into ham radio for a few years and can always find someone to talk with on there when the cb is dead, that may be something to check into if you are wanting to talk now without waiting for the skip to come back to cb.
I usually talk to a group on 160 meters on 1.919mhz, there is usually a few people in indiana, a few in ohio, michigan, wisconson, and illinios on there from around 8pm til around midnight or so.
As i'm writing this i'm listining to a few of the morning crew on ch 18.
Well, at my age, I'm not sure I will be around when the skip comes back. A funny thing though; I've heard the skip come in on a couple of occassions, but it went away and haven't come back since. I wish I knew more about why it would come in one day, and you don't hear it anymore. That's strange! Thanks again Booger, and the good numbers to you again.