Hello Guys.
As above , what does work is...
Receive needle moves.
Does TX with Mod on SSB & AM.
If I inject a signal around the audio chip you can hear it. If I place a finger around chip there IS a hum.
Squelch works ( you can hear it faintly going off and on via the speaker ).
PA works.
The board is pretty much the same as the old 858 radios.
How the problem happend ? Left working all nite , woke this morning to turn the volume up and nothing. No hiss from speaker OR extension speaker.
I am going through the noise blanker section ( hence very slowly ).
Have any of you guys experienced this problem and ( I hate to ask ) is there a quick fix ?
Thank you for reading , please don't be afraid to coment.
Re: WKS 1001 PLL 858 / MC145156 / WASHINGTON / NO AUDIO OUTP
Uncle Ray wrote:Hello Guys.
As above , what does work is...
Receive needle moves.
Does TX with Mod on SSB & AM.
If I inject a signal around the audio chip you can hear it. If I place a finger around chip there IS a hum.
Squelch works ( you can hear it faintly going off and on via the speaker ).
PA works.
The board is pretty much the same as the old 858 radios.
How the problem happend ? Left working all nite , woke this morning to turn the volume up and nothing. No hiss from speaker OR extension speaker.
I am going through the noise blanker section ( hence very slowly ).
Have any of you guys experienced this problem and ( I hate to ask ) is there a quick fix ?
Thank you for reading , please don't be afraid to coment.
Bump....anyone ?