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Question about Mile Range?

Posted: Tuesday 6th Feb 2007, 17:39
by justinlp
I've heard of a mod trick that includes taking your box apart and messing with it with a screw driver and it's suppose to give you the max miles that you can pick up, from what I've heard after my friend had his radio done he was able to talk to people from about 20 miles away cleary???

Any Ideas or other mods for better miles!

Posted: Monday 12th Feb 2007, 6:04
by Chevin
What? is this for real.

Posted: Monday 19th Feb 2007, 2:45
by parkair
Let us know how it turns out............

Posted: Sunday 11th Mar 2007, 13:58
by boog
I talked about 20 miles on my Uniden PC66XL today (102" whip) I clipped the modulation diode and removed the core from the coil. But, there was little background noise. on channel 32.