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Posted: Thursday 19th Apr 2007, 14:40
by NCrebel
has any one seen are know any hting about the new 98VHP radio that galaxy has out? i have seen pic and the specs that it will do 200 watts out of the box but is that on am or ssb? i 'am thinking of getting on but i'am not sure if it is all that it's worked up to be.

Posted: Thursday 19th Apr 2007, 15:26
by kc8mob
That's probably a CB claim. i.e. 200 watts PEP, which means it can do probably 100 watts on sideband.

If it can do 200 watts on side band, then it probably has 2 2sc2879 final RF output transistors in it. Like the RCI-2970 uses 2sc2290.

Either way, if you like the rig. Buy it. Most of them are all the same boards, different looks. Custom features. And different power amps mounted to the bottom panel.

Posted: Friday 20th Apr 2007, 0:49
by NCrebel
thanks for input on radio they claim it has eight mosfet finals.
i have a 48t that is doing 150 pep and has been moded foe cb band and i realy like it but i was wanting a new radio and ssb.

Posted: Friday 20th Apr 2007, 13:45
by zodiac
Go take a look on
On the front page just click on radio information then G for Galaxy. Theres 7 pages full of photographs of the inside and out of it, looks like a winner to me with that power.
And yes it will do 200w.


Posted: Monday 28th May 2007, 6:02
by perrym1962
The board looks to me the same as the 2517, 95t, etc. Should be a nice radio.. 8)

Posted: Saturday 27th Oct 2007, 3:29
by jo jo gun
i have 1 it does about 275 an am a havent tryed 350 an side band peaked and tuned


Posted: Friday 2nd Nov 2007, 5:51
by SoldierBoy
I'm looking to buy a New CB i have about $500 to spend on a rig. so i was thinking of going with a Galaxy DX98VHP but someone said the receiver isn't that great so i started looking again and i found an RCI-6900F-150 which is supposed to have a far superior receive anyone have any other suggestions to a CB that they think is good and that i should consider?

Posted: Saturday 3rd Nov 2007, 7:54
by hotshot
no way can it do 350 on sbb no matter what you tune more like 35 watt

Posted: Monday 12th Nov 2007, 9:55
by frogman296
i have this does well over 200 watts on a bird 43 on am....i dont talk on ssb....but i can shut my 35 amp power supply down when i try it..

it works awesome