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after swing mod, my swr meter doesn t work!

Posted: Tuesday 24th Apr 2007, 14:36
by greasemonkey85
ok after doing the swing mod, i tried some other stuff...

i found a thing that said cut d32 to make the switch flip to 19 instead of 9.

well it didn t work, and when i did it my wattage drop drastically! so i hooked it back up, everything is back to normal, but my swr meter in the radio doesn t work, and the external swr/power meter gave me fits ot first also, but know that works ok. is this something i should worry about? or let it go because it was never very accurate, and now my antenna light doesn t come on anymore either. the meter says i have 1.1 on 20, 1.0 on 1, and 1.2 on 40, so i ain t screwing with it, that is pretty good.

one thing i thought maybe the diode next to it shouldn t be solder to the other one, i don t know i will be messing with it some more tommorrow night.

Posted: Tuesday 24th Apr 2007, 15:12
by kc8mob
Well, unless you understand the theory behind these devices, you have to really really be able to trust your source for mods.

IF you learn everything there is to know, you can do what ever the hell you want to just about anything without any extra info.

Somebody had to come up with the mods, this is how.

D32 CH 9 TO 19

Posted: Friday 27th Apr 2007, 12:29
by gundoctor
I removed D32 from my 29LTD Classic and it worked just fine. The only thing is that it will still show channel 9 on the display, but will TX/RX on 19. I noticed no other problems. The antenna light has come on intermittently since the radio was stock out of the box, even though the SWR is 1.3.