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Help with 102" whip!!!!!!

Posted: Thursday 28th Jun 2007, 5:17
by ShoreLine
Is it possible to make a 102" whip a base antenna with out a truck? so i can use it in my house?

Posted: Friday 29th Jun 2007, 17:54
by ShoreLine
Or where can i get a really good base antenna?

102" whip

Posted: Saturday 30th Jun 2007, 11:22
by Bones
Yes it is possible to use the 102" whip as a base antenna my friend used one for a long time at his house but you have to get it way up in the air or you'll have high swr reading!!!!!!!!

Posted: Saturday 30th Jun 2007, 12:37
by ShoreLine
So what do you do for a ground? do you have to ground the antenna to the radio? so all i do is put the antenna on the roof with a tower and mount it to the tower and then run the coax down the tower to my radio the then hook my radio to a AC DC comverter? thnx!

Posted: Saturday 30th Jun 2007, 12:38
by ShoreLine
Can some one draw me up somthing? like a diagram?

102" antenna mounting

Posted: Monday 9th Jul 2007, 5:26
by Bones
I have drawed a setup of the two ways you might want to mount it both ways will work realy good I sent it in a email attachment to you hope it helps hope you get it since I couldn't put the drawing on here it wouldn't let me. BONES

Posted: Tuesday 10th Jul 2007, 18:44
by ShoreLine
Hey thanx alot bones.... sure helped!

102" whip

Posted: Wednesday 11th Jul 2007, 12:38
by Bones
Your welcome!

Posted: Sunday 11th Nov 2007, 10:48
It's pretty easy to make a ground plane base for a 102" whip. A guy in the old gang to used to make these and sell them after they stopped making Stardusters in the USA.

You take a heavy duty trucker MIRROR MOUNT, and off of the bolts attach 4 102" stainless or aluminum rods which can be found at metal supply shops, salvage yards or anywhere you can find them. You could also use say 5/16" copper tubing available at a air conditioning supply store. Copper however might bend in high winds and get out of shape. Stainless or aluminum rods will flex back to their original shape when the wind stops. Bend the 4 radials down at 45 degree angles after attaching to the mirror mount. The mount will them clamp down onto your standard metal mast pipe.

Good luck!


Posted: Wednesday 12th Dec 2007, 13:22
by johhn
Your water pipe is your ground ,or a piece of electrical conduite .
1/2" Hammered in the ground as deep as you can...johhn


Posted: Thursday 13th Dec 2007, 15:33
by johhn
Maco has a 5/8 wave ground plane antenna whall they last.
One of the best,you see they stopped manuf.that ant and more ..
$ 71.00 at H&Y Electronics, hurry johhn :P

102'SS Whip 4 a Base

Posted: Friday 16th May 2008, 0:06
by BoogeyMan
Yes you can do that,I did.
The metal vent pipe that come off the roof from the bathroom is a good place to mount it with an "L" shaped bracket with a hole for the antenna to screw into.
102" whip I ground this way:
Find some old TV cable noone uses....the kind with the copper center for cable tv/Cut (4) sections 102" long. Wire them to & ground these 4 radials to that "L" metal bracket at one end & tack the loose ends to the roof so they wont blow around in the wind...,waLa................low SWRs about 1'1 & I talk to a friend about 22 miles away.My radio is bare foot 4 watss & no power.
I talk last weekend from WEST Texas to Florida/Georgia/and to Jamiaca on skip........have fun!
Good luck
So says :The BoogeyMan

Re: Help with 102" whip!!!!!!

Posted: Tuesday 18th May 2010, 10:44
by neptune
hi there
re a 102 whip as a homebase antenna ,i used one with good results like so :- a old mag base screwed on to a concrete window frame on the 9th floor of an apartment building in glasgow ,then about 6 inches from the mag base i paired the outer upvc of the coax at 10mm to reveal the outer braid of the coax then attached 2 lenghts of speaker wire wraped around the exposed braid to give 2 ground radial wires at 102 inches in length seal this with silicon sealant to make sure it is weather proof .This gave me a 4 mhz coverage on a president lincoln with a vswr of 1.1 -1.5 over the 4mhz .Using this antenna in this installation gave me excellent results all over europe ,north america and australasia on 20 watts .

Re: Help with 102" whip!!!!!!

Posted: Tuesday 1st Jun 2010, 11:08
by Guardian1993
I recently purchased a 102" SS whip from RS to use on a second base cb to receive only. After reading several forums about using this antenna for a TX/RX base antenna I decided to try. I installed the antenna on top of a 48" piece of pipe, mounted it to the side of the home and connected the coax to a Radio Shack TRC 447 radio. I grounded the pipe to the frame of the mobile home with 12 AWG wire. On the initial SWR check it was 3.0, not good! I kept reading more forums and found one about building in a ground plane using wire hanging directly under the whip antenna connected to the mount so I tried it. I took a piece of 14 ga wire about 112" long, one end I connected to the mount, the other end I let hang straight down, I folded about 8" around a plastic insulator and used a small diameter spring as a retainer to hold the wire fold together. On the second SWR check it was at 1.6/1.7,better. I will continue to tweak this setup, this is an easy solution to building in a ground plane using a 102" SS whip. Have fun trying this at home. This is my setup- RS TRC 447 CB barefoot @ 4w connected to 18' RG58 truck stop coax, a standard trucker antenna mirror mount with a 102" SS antenna on top, mounted to a piece of 48" 1.500 dia pipe about 16' in the air not including the antenna. Grounded the pipe to mobile home frame w/ 12AWG wire. So far good results, hope this works for you !!!

Re: Help with 102" whip!!!!!!

Posted: Tuesday 24th May 2011, 20:00
by Yequan
I have drawn two ways to set you may want to install these two methods work really good, I will e-mail attachment sent to you hope it helps you want to get it, because I can not put it on here no longer Drawing 'Let me see...