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changing lights ??

Posted: Saturday 29th Sep 2007, 17:19
by belfiglioval
hello everybody, can anyone tell me how to change the lights or direct me to site for a cobra 29ltd, thanks,[/i]

Posted: Saturday 29th Sep 2007, 19:49
by nomadradio
Uhh, "Lights" ?

If you mean the one inside the signal meter, there's only one light in there. Gotta figure you wouldn't ask if you just meant the one tiny light with just two wires, right?

Or do you mean the channel-display digits?

Have never seen an on-line walkthrough of that project. Both digits are in one piece of plastic. If one segment on one digit goes dark, there's no way to fix it, but to replace the entire 2-digit display.


Posted: Sunday 30th Sep 2007, 18:24
by nomadradio
Westgate carries both the meter lamp and the two-digit channel displays.

Not sure about the jewel knobs. Sure sounds like a Bar-Jan item to me.


Posted: Sunday 23rd Dec 2007, 13:24
by jwPotts
nomadradio wrote:Uhh, "Lights" ?

Have never seen an on-line walkthrough of that project. Both digits are in one piece of plastic. If one segment on one digit goes dark, there's no way to fix it, but to replace the entire 2-digit display.

I have this very problem can you provide the link?

Posted: Tuesday 25th Dec 2007, 6:58
by marveylus22
When you install the channel display ensure the numbers on the new one are on top.