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Who repairs meters?

Posted: Wednesday 7th Nov 2007, 19:53
by Studio1
Does anyone repair meter movements or know someone/somewhere that does?
Preferably in New Zealand where I am, but if the cost is reasonable I will consider sending it abroad.

I can get a brand new replacement meter for $100 US so any repair would need to be significantly LESS than that.


meter rerair

Posted: Monday 10th Nov 2008, 13:36
by hijacker
What radio is this meter on??? I have repaired several cb meters. let me know what radio it is on. you can email me at maybe I can walk you through it. 73 for now.
Dave :)

Re: Who repairs meters?

Posted: Wednesday 15th Jul 2009, 22:08
by hamguy2
hi there what type of radio is it for a cb or a ham radio ,thanks david nsw australia