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Posted: Friday 18th Jan 2008, 11:13
by the dx screwdriver
Is there any mod's avalible for this radio. i have never looked into these thing but it is a friend of mine.please advise me on any form of mod (i.e channels audio power) i will be doing the conversion my self (like always )
Posted: Saturday 19th Jan 2008, 14:23
by ramblingman
as far as getting extra channels,,about the only way to go about this,is to install an expo kit,,i believe you will need the s-kit..but you can get extra swing and modulation,fairley simple mod...remove jp-17 which is located on the left rear corner of the pc will look like a staple.install a 220 uf at 16 volt dc radial mount capacitor..remember install the capacitor with the negative leg towards the final..then flip radio over and install a 100 ohm 1/2 watt resistor across the same solder connections as capacitor..then turn vr-5 fully clockwise,this is your amc otherwords it increase your audio..some will tell you to clip d-9 which is the modulation limiter,but i dont recommend this,,because it will muffle up on close by stations.also some may tell you to jumper out the anti-spiking diode..dont do it,,it will cause premature final failure...i believe this is d-8 in this preticular radio.................good luck
Posted: Thursday 31st Jan 2008, 2:17
by newradioguy
i could only find 220 uf at 35v max would that work or should i look harder
Posted: Thursday 31st Jan 2008, 10:54
by ramblingman
yes,that will work just long as you have at least the same voltage rating or more,it works..really the heavier the voltage handling the better..just always have to remember that the micro farid,,should be the same,or at least close......remember to make sure the negative side of the cap..faces final
Posted: Thursday 31st Jan 2008, 12:34
by newradioguy
thank you very much
Posted: Thursday 31st Jan 2008, 12:38
by newradioguy
is the 2sc1969 final a good mod also for this radio then tune L10 and spread L8 if not what would you recomend
Posted: Thursday 31st Jan 2008, 15:56
by newradioguy
had to edit last post ,i had the final number wrong,sorry,this is all new to me and I just want to be sure before I try something,thanks for the help
Posted: Thursday 31st Jan 2008, 16:50
by newradioguy
sorry for all the questionsbut, I cant find jp-17 or any jp-? but I can find jv-17 and it looks like a staple it is very close to the final,could that be where the cap and resistor go?
Posted: Friday 1st Feb 2008, 2:41
by ramblingman
yes, that right it is jv-17 on the uniden 68 boards..and yes the 2sc1969 is the best way to go far as final wont give you a whole lot extra output...but it is a heavier final,,more protection against high s.w.r.s..and yes you should peak out the radio first,,before you install the swinger thing i dont recommend is jumping out the anti-spiking diode,as some suggest...i also dont remove limiter...just adjust amc vr fully clockwise....
Posted: Friday 1st Feb 2008, 4:03
by newradioguy
thank you,i will try it later today
Posted: Thursday 7th Feb 2008, 9:29
by newradioguy
well the tuning went fine but, the swing kit didnt seem to work,Im sure I must have done something wrong.I made sure that the negative leg was nearest the final and put the resistor on the other side.I took it off and put the jumper back on,it works but no swing kit
Posted: Friday 24th Apr 2009, 11:08
by Dodgem250
If it's a newer PC68 you can forget about the Cap/Resistor mod, you need the transistor version of the swing kit for it to work
Posted: Thursday 27th Aug 2009, 17:41
by santafe
the 25v 470 uf cap works better added with 100 ohm resister on mine i get 3/4 to 1 watt dead key swinging 10 -15 with stock final
Posted: Thursday 15th Apr 2010, 13:20
by dragogt