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Connex 3300plus echo talkback squeals Help Plz?
Posted: Monday 3rd Mar 2008, 16:24
by YosemitySam
I have a connex 3300 plus radio works fine has 100% modulation. RF power is about 6watts swinging 35watts with RK56 mic. Radio talks fine get good reports, Only problem is I can't use echo without squealing through the talkback. Is there a way to turn the talkback down? I doesn't have a pot for talkback. So, I'm guessing it needs some resistance added.
Posted: Wednesday 5th Mar 2008, 15:20
by ramblingman
try adding a 470k ohm resistor,from the junction of c155/r207 to the junction of c187/r235 on solder side of pc board
Posted: Wednesday 5th Mar 2008, 15:26
by marveylus22
Or remove green wire at j-15, and add a mini toggle switch on the back of the radio.
Posted: Wednesday 5th Mar 2008, 18:34
by YosemitySam
Well I tried 470K across c155/r207 to c187/r235. It worked, Thanks ramblingman! But, after keying a few times I notice that for a short period after leting down the key. It was acting like it was still keying kind of like it had roger beep without the beep. I decieded to try a 1n914a in series with the resistor and it seems to be a ok now. With, no squeal and all RX and TX good too. Let me know if the 1n914a is a bad idea fella's I'm not a guru so I'm open to any instuction. Thanks again fella's. Thank you to marvey . I didn't try the switch thing yet. But, I'm guessing that will turn off the talkback when I don't want it.