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Old style Connex Echo Hookup?

Posted: Thursday 17th Jul 2008, 16:46
by YosemitySam
I have several old style Connex Echo boards I would like to use on four pin cobra's and such. Does, anyone know how these hookup. Or mybe direct me to some instructions on how to install them. I use to know how. But, have forgoten how and can't find my install Info. These have Red, Black which I'm sure are pwr and grd . There are also four other's two are shields and two are white. Any info would be great! THanks Fella's!!

Posted: Friday 18th Jul 2008, 5:07
by smokinjoe
Not for sure if this is the correct one but hopefully it will help you in locating where your wires would go.


Posted: Friday 18th Jul 2008, 11:23
by YosemitySam
THanks SmokinJoe, That's It!!! That's what I needed!!

Posted: Friday 18th Jul 2008, 19:38
by zeppfrog
any chance anyone knows what the purpose of that bottom left socket is for, i have an old connex with it and three wires , (orange, red, brown) coming off it. the brown goes to the am/fm/pa selector, the other two go to the main pcb. There is also a Yellow wire on the audio in and out both. one goes again to the band select. the other to the power switch. I would like to remove the board temporarily. but not sure what I am unhooking on these.

Re: Old style Connex Echo board (EPTOSSB50B).

Posted: Saturday 19th Jul 2008, 8:26
by Rick
The EPTOSSB50B Echo board is made by Ranger and is used in lots radios.

J1 = Mic output
J2 = Mic input
J3 = to Echo/Time pots
J4 = Power B+ 8vdc
J5 = Echo On/Off
J12 = Mic output to PA