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realistic trc 449

Posted: Saturday 13th Sep 2008, 14:48
by knightzwork
I am having a problem with my realistic trc-449.
receive works on all modes
When I transmit with out audio the meter will read at 9 lbs.
as soon as I talk the meter drops and the unit stops transmitting. after that when I key the mike the meter will not read at all.
if I try to use the p.a. I get no audio.
I've had this radio for about 20 years and I would really like to be able to save it.
Thank you

Posted: Sunday 14th Sep 2008, 11:52
by ramblingman
Sounds like the regulator is going..when it does this does
the meter light and leds go dim.


Posted: Monday 15th Sep 2008, 5:00
by knightzwork
When I powered up today I was shocked to fine that the unit was working fine. I do seem to remember some dimming though when it would not transmit. But right now using both stock and power mikes across a dummy load it's working. I haven't tried it on a live antenna yet.

Posted: Monday 15th Sep 2008, 5:47
by ramblingman
Could also be a poor solder connection..Next time it quits transmitting
remove the top cover and try bumping around on the pc board with
plastic screwdriver or something non metallic and see if your tx


Posted: Tuesday 16th Sep 2008, 6:30
by knightzwork
I'll be sure to remember that
Thank you for your time

Posted: Sunday 5th Oct 2008, 11:43
by Radioham01
Check the back of the on off switch for wear - mine was not contacting properly - clean it or replace it and all should be OK. Otherwise the problem could be the regulator as previously suggested.