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Dumb question for cb experts.
Posted: Sunday 14th Dec 2008, 7:26
by Jonathan_lemoine
I was browsing through transistor specs and came across some cool looking transistors. I was woundering why someone couldn't put a MRF454 final in a radio such as the cobra 29, or is it posible? and would it require a lot of modifications. This thing puts out 80 watts. I have never taken an electronics course. I have been only playing around with some cobra 29s and turning them up a little. If finals like this could be used in a radio it would be a lot of fun.
Dumb question for cb experts.
Posted: Sunday 14th Dec 2008, 8:23
by The Defpom
The MFR455 (or equivalents) has been used in the President Lincoln radio, to replace the obsolete MRF477.
Dumb question for cb experts.
Posted: Sunday 14th Dec 2008, 9:19
by Jonathan_lemoine
Is it possible to to modify a cobra 29 to take a MRF454? Has anyone tried?
Dumb question for cb experts.
Posted: Sunday 14th Dec 2008, 10:01
by timrim
Yes, its possible. You will need to mount it on a heatsink capable of dissapating the heat. It is easier buying a stinger board, that has the heatsink and circuit board included, however, I find the heatsink supplied too thin, so I always add more aluminum.
Dumb question for cb experts.
Posted: Sunday 14th Dec 2008, 11:06
by Jonathan_lemoine
Thanks for the input guys. I was just curious.