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super star ss-36

Posted: Saturday 5th Mar 2011, 8:12
by ixphant0mxi
Radio Make and Model: Super Star SS-36
PCB Number: ept 360014B
PLL Number:
Test gear available:
Symptoms: no am audio

What is working:
TX: am dead key only no audio fm ssb fm ssb have audio also noted am dead key jumped up and vr 13 has no effect on lowing am dead key
i was just talking on radio when it did it no tuning just normal talking to local also no roger beep either on am i clipped d-80 to get talk back very very very faint beep in talk back with head phones on also tried in pa mode works fine
RX: everything

What has been tried:
checked for broken wires burnt resistors bad traces cold solder joints cleaned mode switch loose plugs

Did it suddenly happen ?: yes
Anything else that may be of help?: tried pressing on board to see if would return banded on desk to see if would return ran non conductive tuning tool over board to see if would return :banghead:

Re: super star ss-36

Posted: Saturday 5th Mar 2011, 13:05
by zodiac
With no control of VR13, I would say the regulator bolted to the side of the radio has gone south.
It's centre pin should go up and down in voltage as you turn VR13 to a maximum of about 8v, otherwise you'll burn it out when used on AM and FM at full power and the final as well.

Re: super star ss-36

Posted: Saturday 5th Mar 2011, 14:15
by ixphant0mxi
if the reg is gone wouldnt that effect all modes? just am is effected fm and ssb audio are fine
also radio was not tuned with vr 13 all the way open to max about half way on the setting

Re: super star ss-36

Posted: Saturday 5th Mar 2011, 14:48
by ixphant0mxi
8 volts either way vr 13 is turned

Re: super star ss-36

Posted: Sunday 6th Mar 2011, 2:00
by zodiac
The transistor bolted to the right hand side of the radio is the voltage regulator for the output stage and gets very hot in AM/FM mode with a constant carrier.
That's going down the wrong road, what throw me was that you mention VR13 and put me on the wrong track to start with.
Have you replaced the diode you removed to see if the audio returns, also check for solder splatter around the area you worked in.
If you had used a comma or two in your first post we would had understood what you were explaining a little better.

Re: super star ss-36

Posted: Sunday 6th Mar 2011, 4:49
by ixphant0mxi
the diode is d-80 just clipped to see if i could hear any audio thru the speaker nothing removed
with headphones on very faint talkback since been resolderd back together
when it happend i was just local rag chewing, nothing was turned radio was Not tuned up for max wattage pretty much stock.
when it did go south i noticed the dead key on am was way higher then what it was before on the meter
i then opened radio and tried turning vr 13 does that help?
im going to replace the 2sb 754 and see if maybe it is going bad theres no "" normal " heat " per say from it
i will let you know if it does the trick
i see no solder splatter in the area i have also checked for cold solder joints in that area and heated up all soldered connections there also just to make sure good connections