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Need advice for car setup
Posted: Wednesday 10th May 2006, 5:13
by jparris
Hello all. I am looking to buy a CB radio for my car. I had a handheld Cobra HH28 and it didn't work out very well. I bought an external antenna from radio shack(the kind that sticks to the window), and it did nothing for me. My problem with magnetic antennas is that my car is fiberglass and I don't think it would stay on at 80mph. I don't want anything that requires permanent mounting on my car. What do you guys recommend that I do? Is my best bet a handheld? Any suggestions would be extremely helpful to me. By the way, I just want something with good range, not to necessarily have great talking power. I appreciate you guys time.
Posted: Monday 12th Jun 2006, 9:45
by rebelcowboy
You could try a trunk mount antenna as you said you drive a car. They clip to the lip on the trunk next to the rear window and get a mobile radio they are always better my girlfriend has a trunk mount and a cobra 29 and can get around 10 miles distance as far as i know. Good luck
Posted: Monday 12th Jun 2006, 11:48
by Ron Fouler
Yup, lip mounts are good. I have one on the tailgate of my VW Golf, and that's very stable. Remember to scrape the paint off where the grub-screws clamp to the lip, though, or you'll have problems with VSWR.
Posted: Wednesday 28th Feb 2007, 14:52
by Frequency
I have to agree that using mount antenas for the trunk lip would work.
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lip mount antenna
Posted: Saturday 10th Mar 2007, 0:51
I thought that he said his car was fiberglass doesn't that lip mount need a metal surface to get a good ground for receive or do you have to buy a special antenna that doesn't need a ground.
Posted: Thursday 19th Apr 2007, 15:22
by kc8mob
Well most cars are not as fiberglass as you think. Panels, yes. roof and all of that, no. Hopefully.
Because if this guys car is really all fiberglass accept for the frame. He isn't going to have any luck with any type of mobil installation besides a handheld.
Mobile antenna systems require allot of ground plane to be affective.
Posted: Tuesday 31st Jul 2007, 3:41
by dvdljns
Use a trunk mount than run a ground wire from the coax sheld to metal frame. it works good.
Posted: Monday 20th Aug 2007, 11:42
by RW023
dvdljns wrote:Use a trunk mount than run a ground wire from the coax sheld to metal frame. it works good.
a good ground plan works
Posted: Thursday 6th Mar 2008, 16:09
by thetnhillbilly
Aren't there antennas for RVs? Some of them are primarily fiberglass. Maybe one of those would work.