LM3028 RF Amplifier
Similar to TA7045 CA3028 and CA3053
The CA3028A and CA3028B integrated circuits are single-stage differential amplifiers. Each circuit also contains a constant-current transistor and suitable biasing resistors. The circuits are primarily intended for service in communications systems operating at frequencies up to 120MHz with single power supplies. This Note provides technical data and recom-mended circuits for use of the CA3028A and CA3028B in the
following applications:
RF Amplifier
Autodyne Converter
IF Amplifier
Pin | Name | Description |
1 | | Input High |
2 | | I Source |
3 | | Substrate |
4 | | I Source Em. |
5 | | Input Low |
6 | | Output High |
7 | | AGC (AutomaticGainControl) |
8 | | Output Low |
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