MC145163 PLL Integrated Circuits

The MC145163 is programmed by 16 parallel?input data lines for the N counter and 2 input lines for the R counter. The device features consist of a reference oscillator, selectable?reference divider, digital?phase detector, and 16?bit programmable divide?by?N counter.

 On? or Off?Chip Reference Oscillator Operation
 Lock Detect Signal
 Single Modulus/Parallel Programming
 4 User?Selectable ? R Values: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
? N Range = 3 to 9999

1FINFrequency input - Max. 30MHz
3VDDV+ (5 Volt)
4PDPhase Comparator Output
5RA0Reference divider Program input 0
6RA1Reference divider Program input 1
7?RPhase Comparator output
8?VPhase Comparator output
9P0Program input 0
10P1Program input 1
11P2Program input 2
12P3Program input 3
13P4Program input 4
14P5Program input 5
15P6Program input 6
16P7Program input 7
17P8Program input 8
18P9Program input 9
19P10Program input 10
20P11Program input 11
21P12Program input 12
22P13Program input 13
23P14Program input 14
24P15Program input 15
25ROUTReferance Osc. Output
26RIReferance Osc. Input
27ROReferance Osc. Output
28LLoop Detect Output

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