PLL2002A Serial Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer

The PLL2002A is a serial data programmable PLL Frequency Syntheseizer. Ratios of reference frequency divider and input frequency divider can be independently set.
1RIReference X-tal Oscillator Input
2ROReference X-tal Oscillator Output
3NCNo Connection
4VccPositive Supply Voltage - 5 Volt
5PDPhase Detector Output - VCO Voltage Out
7LDLoop Detector - Loop Detected=HIGH - Not Detected=LOW
8FinVCO Frequency In
9CLClock from CPU
10DataData from CPU
11ENEnable from CPU
12DOACharge pump output for activ lowpass filter
13NCNo Connection
14TestConnect to Vcc
15OVPhase detector output to differential lowpass filter
16ORPhase detector output to differential lowpass filter

Serial Data for PLL2002A

Serial data input timing

Divider data setting procedure

Input data must be MSB first. Final bit (17th bit) is assigned to the control bit.
Data are written into shift register at the rising edge of the CLK signal.
When LE is HIGH, data is transferred from the shift register to either the latch of reference divider or input divider. Thus data must be written on the shift register while LE is remaining L0W.

While all bits of the N latch to are "0", the N counter will be disabled, DOA, DOP are floating, and the supply current will be decreased.
While all bits of the R latch are "0", oscillator will be disabled.
While all bits of R and N latches are "0" , supply current decreases to 10uA or less.

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