Modifications for the Kenwood GENERAL
KENWOOD TH-series HT TNC Interconnection
The following is a suggested circuit for connecting a packet TNC
to a Kenwood TH-series HT. Included is the TH-21/31/41, the TH-
205/215/315/415, and the new TH-25/45 series HTs.
The connections are as follows:
A sub-miniature plug is used for receive audio. The tip of
this plug is audio out; the sleeve of this plug is the
common ground for PTT, transmit audio, and receive audio.
A miniature stereo plug is used for transmit audio and PTT.
Connect the middle "ring" of the plug to the TNC audio out
through a 0.2 uf cap (for DC isolation). Connect the sleeve
of the plug to the TNC PTT. The plug's tip is unused.
Set the TNC audio for 50 to 80 mv audio output into a 2K ohm
R-1000 RF Attenuator 10db Step Option
The RF Attenuator may be converted from the standard 20dB step to 10dB step
by replacing resistors on the RX unit X55-1250-00.
Replace With Type
R1 No Change
R2 R3 1.2K R (Radial)
R3 1.8K R
R4 R7 1.2K A (Axial)
R5 4.7K A
R6 15K R
R7 1.8K A
R8 1.2K R
R9 No Change
R10 R16 56 ohm A
R11 No change
R12 100 ohm R
R13 68 ohm A
R14 R13 220 ohm A
R15 820 ohm A
R16 100 ohm A
R17 No change
R18 R12 56 ohm R
Note: How to solder on the PC board.
Use a LOW WATTAGE PENCIL type iron, 35 w or less.
Use Rosin core solder, small diameter.
Do NOT create solder bridges or splotches.
Do NOT overheat or otherwise lift the foil from the board.
Was excess flux away with FRESH trichlor. and a small flux brush.
Neatness counts - It's your radio.
Service manual rx section level diagrams
This bulletin will explain the development and use of
Kenwood Service Manual receiver section level diagrams.
Since they list typical RF and audio levels, the diagrams
provide the most efficient means of locating a faulty RX
circuit in a transceiver.
In the past, Kenwood has recorded RF levels in volts (V),
decibels (dB), and more recently dBu and dBm. Conversion
tables and an equation are provided at the end of this text
so you can change the RF levels to the form of your choice.
Using the level diagrams require basic test equipment and a
couple of test fixtures. One fixture is an 8 ohm non
inductive load that replaces the internal speaker. The other
is an injection probe. It is used to inject RF from your
signal generator into specific sections of the receiver.
Both fixtures are discussed at the end of this text.
How the rx section level diagram is developed
This section will describe how the level diagrams are made
for CW and SSB transceivers. It will then discuss the
different methods used for FM transceivers.
A working transceiver is tuned to its center frequency. For
HF rigs, this would be 14.200MHz. A Standard Signal
Generator (SSG) set to the same frequency is connected to
the antenna terminal of the transceiver. The SSG is set to a
level that will not allow the AGC circuits to function (no
S-METER reading). For HF rigs, this would typically be 0dBµ
An 8 ohm load is inserted into the external speaker jack and
the AF gain control is adjusted to obtain 0.68V across the
load (measured with an AF VTVM). The AF gain setting is not
changed from this point on. The SSG is replaced with a 50
ohm load to terminate the antenna input.
An injection probe is connected to the SSG. The ground clip
is attached to the chassis of the transceiver. The probe is
placed at the first point listed on the level diagram just
past the antenna input. The SSG level is adjusted until the
audio output is again 0.68V. The SSG level is then listed on
the diagram as a typical reference for that point. This
process is repeated until all measuring points are assigned
a reference level.
After each mixer stage, the SSG must be adjusted to the
respective IF frequency. As an example, after the first
mixer on the TS-940S, the frequency would be set to
45.05MHz. After the second mixer, the frequency would be set
to 8.83MHz.
The levels in the audio stage of the receiver are measured
with an AF VTVM. These measurements are made when the SSG is
connected to antenna terminal (just after the AF gain is
FM rx section level diagrams
FM transceiver level diagrams are made in the same fashion
as CW/SSB diagrams. The transceiver is tuned to its center
frequency (or close to it). A low level signal is applied to
the antenna terminal. The audio output is held constant
while the injection method is used. The differences are as
On some FM transceivers, the injected signal is modulated
(typically a 1KHz tone at +/- 3.0KHz deviation is used).
Other transceivers are tested without modulation.
On some transceivers, the constant output is measured at
12dB SINAD. On others it is measured at 20dB of noise
quieting (NQ).
Each Service Manual level diagram contains footnotes that
describe the method used. Due to the variations and
available test equipment, it may be necessary to change the
initial set up and then write your own level diagram.
Using the level diagram to troubleshoot a faulty receiver
It is not practical to set the audio output to a specified
level by injecting a signal into the antenna terminal of a
transceiver that has low sensitivity. In many cases, the
input signal would be so strong that it would attack the AGC
circuits. This would cause all measurements in the receiver
to vary from the typical levels in the diagram. The best
approach to this situation is to start at the end of the
receiver circuit and work towards the antenna.
Connect a 50 ohm load to the antenna terminal and an 8 ohm
load to the external speaker jack. Inject a signal at the
end of the IF stage. The IF frequency and required level are
listed on the Service Manual level diagram. Adjust the AF
gain control to obtain the specified audio level at the 8
ohm load. Do not change the AF gain setting from this point
on. Inject the next signal in the middle of the receiver
chain (again refer to the level diagram for the frequency
and level). If the audio comes up to the specified level,
the faulty component is somewhere between the antenna
terminal and the middle of the receiver. If the audio does
not come up, the bad component is between the two injection
The next injection point would again cut the chain in half
in order to work towards the faulty component. For instance,
if the problem is between the antenna terminal and the
middle of the receiver, inject the next signal in the middle
of those two points. Continue in this manner until the
problem can be isolated to a small portion of the circuit.
Do not forget that D.C. measurements around an isolated
circuit are necessary. For instance, an amplifier will not
have any gain if an open resistor cuts off the supply
Injection probe
An injection probe is a coax that connects to your SSG, has
a 0.01uF capacitor on the center conductor of the coax, and
a tip connected to the other end of the capacitor. The
shield of the coax connects to a ground clip. Many
electronic supply shops sale injection probes. If you decide
to purchase one, make sure it contains a 0.01uF capacitor
between the tip and center conductor of the coax (used to
block D.C.). If you decide to fabricate your own cable, it
can be done with a few simple parts as shown in Figure 1.
8 OHM load
An 8 ohm non inductive load is used to substitute the
internal speaker on the transceiver. The load is connected
to the external speaker jack for convenience. For the
purpose of troubleshooting a faulty receiver, it is not
necessary to purchase a precision 8 ohm resistor (also,
precision resistors are inductive). Six carbon composite 47
ohm, 1/2 watt resistors connected in parallel make an
adequate load. Figure 2 shows a typical 8 ohm load
As mentioned in the introduction, Kenwood Service Manuals
have listed levels in V, dB, dBµ, and dBm. Unless otherwise
specified in the footnotes on the level diagram, dB and dBu
levels are equal.
Aside from the conversion tables on page 6, a conversion
equation and examples are provided.
EQUATION: dB = 20 log --------
In the equation, solving for dB would yield a value that is
the difference between the two voltages. In other words,
suppose you already know that 2uV = 12dBu and 15.8uV =
30dBu. You can see that the difference is 18dBu. Plugging
these uV values into the equation would yield the same
result. With this in mind, one can plug in a known voltage
from a conversion table, plug in a voltage not listed in the
table, and find the dB difference. To make the answer
simplistic, use 0.5uV for dB/dBu and 224mV for dBm. Since
they equal 0dB/0dBu/0dBm respectively, the difference is the
actual value of the unknown voltage.
Japanese "SSG" American "SSG"
-6dB ------------------------------ 0.25µV
0dB ------------------------------ 0.5µV
6dB ------------------------------ 1µV
12dB ------------------------------ 2µV
24dB ------------------------------ 8µV
30dB ------------------------------ 15.8µV
40dB ------------------------------ 50µV
50dB ------------------------------ 158µV
60dB ------------------------------ 500µV
70dB ------------------------------ 1.58mV
80dB ------------------------------ 5mV
90dB ------------------------------ 15.8mV
100dB ------------------------------ 50mV
120dB ------------------------------ 0.5V
TABLE 1 (dB or dBu to V conversion)
Japanese "SSG" American "SSG"
-119dBm ------------------------------ 0.25µV
-113dBm ------------------------------ 0.5µV
-107dBm ------------------------------ 1µV
-101dBm ------------------------------ 2µV
-88.9dBm ----------------------------- 8µV
-83dBm ------------------------------- 15.8µV
-73dBm ------------------------------- 50µV
-63dBm ------------------------------- 158µV
-53dBm ------------------------------- 500µV
-43dBm ------------------------------- 1.58mV
-33dBm ------------------------------- 5mV
-23dBm ------------------------------- 15.8mV
-13dBm ------------------------------- 50mV
0dBm ------------------------------- 224mV
7dBm ------------------------------- .5V
TABLE 2 (dBm to V conversion)
- Kenwood models:
TS-140 TS-440 TS-450 TS-680 TS-690 TS-711
TS-721 TS-811 TS-850 TS-940 TS-950
( P.C.)
DB-25S (DB-9S)
+---------------------+ +----- 7 (5)
| | |
| MAX-232 | +++ 6
| + +-------+ |
78L05 | +--|+--|1 16+--+ +-- 5 (8)
+-----+ | | + | | |
+12V ---|I O+----+------|+--|2 15+--+ +-- 4 (7)
| G | | +| | | | +++ RxD
+-----+ | --- +------|3 14+------------------ 3 (2)
| | --- + | | TxD
| | | +--|+--|4 13+------------------ 2 (3)
| | | | | |
+++ | +++ +------|5 12+--------+ 1
| + | | |
| +--|+--|6 11+-----+ |
| | | | | |
| | |7 10+ | | ( RADIO )
| +++ | | | |
| |8 9+ | | DIN
| +-------+ | |
| | | 6
| | |
+------------------------+ | | +-- 5 (RTS)
| | | |
74LS04 | | | +-- 4 (CTS)
+-------+ | | |
|1 14+--+ | | +------ 3 (/RXD)
| | | | |
|2 13+------------------ 2 (/TXD)
| | | | |
|3 12+-----+ | | +-- 1 (GND)
| | | | |
|4 11+--------+ | +++
| | |
|5 10+-----------+
| |
|6 9+
| |
+--|7 8+
| +-------+
All capacitors are 22uF 16v
Radio connector is a 6 PIN DIN
How to remove Display-Scratches
hello, kenwood-fans!
Since a few minutes i'm happy about the new outlook of my
ts440's display: it's free of scratches now!
During the last two years i used it as a mobile rig and had
a lot of fun with it. now it is replaced by a ts50 (works very well!).
During that mobile application the plastic cover of the display
was damaged by little scratches- not too deep at all,
but unpleasant to look on. may be, i touched it with the mike or car key.
So, back in the shack, i looked for a method to get it clear.
With tooth paste!
No joke, it really works!
That's the way:
Clean the display with a wet(!) clean cloth
Cover areas not to be treated with insulating tape or s.e.
Take one wet edge of a cloth (i used that one from the kitchen
reserved for to dry the finest dishes) and put it over your forefinger
Take a piece of tooth paste (the old fashioned white one, that contents
polishing elements, i used "thera med", made by henkel") on that finger
Polish the dispaly's surface by wiping in rotations -not strictly in
one direction only- about 2 or 3 minutes
Clean the area with a fresh, but wet(!) cloth
Dry it with the other -dry- part of the clean cloth
Remove tapes
Injoy perfect brand new looking display!
Honestly said, it's not originally my idea. I was inspired by a friend
of mine, who gave me this advice for a similar application (glass cover
of my watch).
I'm not sure, if it works with icom or yaesu devices,
so don't tell them (hi).
Kenwood 4 pin microphone connections to TNC
1 4
2 3
Pin 1 = MIC input
Pin 2 = PTT (Push To Talk)
Pin 3 = Ground
Pin 4 = Ground
Please make sure that you are familiar with the pin numbers on the mic
sokets (fitted to end of mic leads) before you make any connections.
Kenwood 6 pin microphone connections to TNC
5 1
Pin 1 = MIC input
Pin 2 = PTT (Push To Talk)
Pin 3 =
Pin 4 =
Pin 5 =
Pin 6 = Ground
Please make sure that you are familiar with the pin numbers on the mic
sokets (fitted to end of mic leads) before you make any connections.
Kenwood 8 pin microphone connections to TNC
1 7
2 8 6
3 5
Pin 1 = MIC input
Pin 2 = PTT (Push To Talk)
Pin 3 =
Pin 4 =
Pin 5 =
Pin 6 =
Pin 7 = Ground
Pin 8 = Ground
Please make sure that you are familiar with the pin numbers on the mic
sokets (fitted to end of mic leads) before you make any connections.
Kenwwod mic modification
The following concerns modificatio of some Kenwood Microphone.
Note: What follows is just suggested, proceed at your own risk.
If you have a Kenwood TM-xxxE (European version) trans', Than your mic,
probably has 1750 Hz baton, Which is useless in some countries (not if
you are a jammer Hi). This baton can Probably be transformed to have
another transceiver function.
I myself, tested the above & succeeded with both: TM-241E & TM-741E (of
which the mic's slightly differ).
GENERALLY (at least in the two above) the 1750 Hz baton provides
aprox' 7.5v (when depressed), in order to generate the tone. While the
other 3 control baton on the mic provide lower voltage levels (aprox'
1.5v & 3.5v if i remember correctly). The idea is simply to disconnect
the 7.5v at the baton input & to connect the other voltage level (1.5v
or 3.5, I forgot which).
To do this follow the next modif' stages.
Disconnect the 7.5 voltage level by cutting the only jumper on the
print. (to be sure measure 7.5v relative to ground on it, on the 741E
mic it is symbolized by J1)
the TM-741E the TM-241E
3 3 ptt 3 3 3 3 ptt 3 3
3 3switch3 3 3 3switch3 3
3 DD 3 3 DD 3
3 J1 3 3 J3 3
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
Short the 2 connections on:
the TM-741E the TM-241E
3 ZDDDD? 3 3 ZDD? 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 O O O O 3 3 O O O O 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
3 1750 VFO MR PF 3 3 1750 VFO MR PF 3
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
3Microphone T91-0398-XX3 3Microphone T91-0398-X53
The new function becoms:
^ ^
3 3
3 3
default:call call
programable:PF4 ----
Optional narrow ceramic filters
Author: Trio-Kenwood Communication, inc.
Service Bulletin no. 49
The optional filters listed below are for a narrower bandpass. Some will have different input & output impedance, & some will require new mounting holes. Only one will require a compoment change.
Model | Standard | Option | Installation |
TR-2200DA | CFM-455E | CFR-455G | Just replace |
TR-7200A | CFR-455F | CFR-455G CFS-455G | Just replace Modify PCB mounting |
TS-700A/S/SP | CFR-455F | CFR-455G CFS-455G | Just replace Just replace |
TR-7400A | CFR-455F | CFR-455G | Just replace |
TR-7600/7625 | CFR-455F2 | CFL-455F CFR-455G | Replace C101 470pF to .00uF Replace C101 with .001uF & modify PCB mounting. |
TR-8300 | CFM-455R | CFM-455F | Just replace |
Filter Model | Part Number | -3 dB Down Bandwidth | -6 dB Down Bandwidth | Bandwidth | Impedance In/Out |
CFM-455E | L72-0025-05 | More than ± 5.5KHz | More than ± 8KHz | 60dB ± 16KHz | 1500 ohm |
CFR-455F | L72-0037-05 | ± 4.5KHz | ± 6KHz | 70dB ± 16KHz | 2000 ohm |
CFR-455G | L72-0302-05 | ---- | ± 4KHz | 70dB ± 16KHz | 2000 ohm |
CFS-455G | L72-0303-05 | ---- | ± 4KHz | 80dB ± 16KHz | 2000 ohm |
CFT-455F2 | L72-0309-05 | ± 5KHz | ± 7.5KHz | 60dB ± 16KHz | 1500 ohm |
CFL-455F | L72-0306-05 | ± 4.2KHz | ± 6KHz | 70dB ± 16KHz | 2000 ohm |
CFM-455F | L72-0000-00 | ± 4.2KHz | ± 6KHz | ± 12 KHz | 2000 ohm |
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