Modifications for the Kenwood TH-225

Kenwood TH225A modifications

The TH-251A is very similar to the TH-225A. The following TH-215A mod has been tested on the TH-225A and seems to work, thanks Steve(W9OMX).
All the standard disclaimers apply, use at your own risk, etc.

73's John - WA8ZGO -

Date: 2 May 88 15:22:00 GMT
Posted by: silver!
Subject: Kenwood TH-215A modification
KENWOOD TH-215A handheld transceiver out-of-band modification:

  1. Remove two screws from belt clip
  2. Remove 4 screws from back of radio
  3. Slide front assembly off
  4. Locate set of 4 jumpers:
                                  (top front inside)
                      |                                      |
                      |                                      |
                      |         +--------+                   |
                      |         |        |                   |
                      |         |        |                   |
                      |         +--------+                   |
                      |                                      |
                      |                      +--------+      |
                      |                      |        |      |
    J4: intact        |           J4 o---o   |        |      |
    J3: cut           |           J3 o) (o   +--------+      |
    J2: cut           |           J2 o) (o                   |
    J1: cut           |           J1 o) (o                   |
                      |                                      |
                      |                                      |
                      |                                      |
                      |                      SPKR            |
                      |                                      |
                      |                                      |
                      |             mic                      |
                      |                                      |
  5. Reassemble radio.
  6. Reset microprocessor: Turn radio on while simultaneously pressing both _F_ key and _ENTER_ key.

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