Modifications for the Kenwood TH-D7A
Kenwood TH-D7a TX band modification
Allows TX 136 - 173.995 and 400 - 479.995
Although I have performed this modification on my own radio with no problems noted, I take no responsibility in the accuracy of the procedure shown below. If you do not feel comfortable working with small surface mount components, you should not be performing this procedure.
- Using Kenwoods program, download all saved settings from your radio. (All settings will be erased on power up after this mod)
- Remove battery, antenna and freq/volume control knobs.
- Loosen both fasteners from the antenna base and the freq/volume control shaft.
- Remove the four screws that secure the back of the radio.
- Pull the top plastic piece with the Led's off the top of the radio.
- Gently pull on the rubber gasket that goes around the top of the radio.
- Pull the bottom of the radio appart gently.Note: There will still be a ribbon cable connecting both parts (see picture). I removed the ribbon cable to make it easier to work on.
- Pull the brown part of the ribbon cable connector upwards using your fingernail or small screwdriver. This will release the ribbon cable.
- Locate the green wire. Under the green wire there are four small diodes in a neat row (they should have a miniature A on them if your eyesight is good). Using a soldering iron, remove the middle two diodes.
- Put the radio back together in the reverse order it was taken appart.
Modification Notes:
It has been suggested that modifications to the TH-D7a may somehow void the manufacturers free firmware update that is said to be in the works. While I don't believe my modified transmitter will have any problems in getting its deserved firmware update, I did however save both diodes for future replacement if it ever becomes necessary. This may be a good idea if you were ever to want to "trade in" your radio to a store, or if warranty work is needed. (Just in case)
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