Modifications for the Kenwood TS-950

TS-950SD general coverage transmit mod

1. Remove power and ant.

2. Remove top and bottom covers.

3. Locate the digital unit.

4. Cut diode d-17

5. Reassemble radio.

6. Reset cpu.
Kenwood TS-950 Power On Funktions

Please notice that all functions only work if you switch off radio first.
Please push the named buttoms to start function when switching on the radio:

SUB : SUB receiver capable of scanning,to SUB-scan push and hold the SUB-key and press than the scan key

ENT : Set up ch. 90-99 as amateur band vfos 160-10 m band possible.each memory vfo will accept direct frequencie entry.(like ICOM band stack memory)

5+M-VFO : set up ch.80-89 to accept any memory data

RX/A : Turn ON/OFF SUB receiver marker on SM 230 Monitor in 100 kHz/250kHz and 25kHz sweep mode.

IC+COMP : stop transmit if Ic exceeds 1,7 A. Power output limited to 10 Watt

8.83 + RIT : Both 8.83 MHz and 455 kHz IF Filters are selectable on transmit. Each memory channel is also capable of storing this setting.

Memory protect: Cutting D 129 on control unit protects memory contents from beeing erased.

Write protect : Cutting D 18 on Control Unit write protects all memory channels.

from Hanno DG8JZ
Kenwood TS-950 Allows sub-receiver to be on different band than Main receiver

Allows sub-rcvr to be on different band than Main receiver.
This is a Power On function mod.
Start with radio turned off.
Hold down buttons SUB, M/S, RX/SUB while turning on the power ON. Now you can listen to 15M on sub-rcvr with Main rcvr on 20M. or any other band or visa-versa. Both receivers will be in the same mode USB, LSB, CW etc.

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