Modifications for the Yaesu FRG-100
FRG-100 30 KHz TO 30 MHz this is possible
For reception to 30 Khz to 30 MHz:
Press and hold the following keys while turning on POWER:
- SSB and FM keys.
and reception: 30 Khz to 30 Mhz is operational..
Info from Dave MW1DUJ
I have carried out the mod for tuning down to 30KHz, it only works on older ones. Two of them, made in the last year, will only go to 50KHz.
FRG-100 AGC 3 times faster
From: Peter Goehner -
The original AGC is to slow for serious DX.
- R 1091 (original 1.5 Mohm) replace with 750 Kohm
- C 1225 (original 1 uF ) replace with 0,33 uF
It works really very well!
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9th February 2000

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