Modifications for the Yaesu FRG-7
FRG-7 Antenna for the Broadcast band
Fellow users of the YAESU FRG-7 communications receiver:
I have enjoyed the YAESU FRG-7 for many years but I always hated the
fact that I had to run a seperate LONG WIRE in order to receive a
full signal on the BROADCAST band (jack BC). I use a DIPOLE fed by
coax which I connect into the (SW2) connector which works fine for
all of the HF bands above the BC band.
After looking at the schematic the other day, I discovered that I could
place a 100 Ohm resistor from jack (SW1) to the (BC) jack which provides
the receiver with an antenna for the BC band. Thus, you can connect
your coaxal fed dipole to jack (SW2) add the resistor, and throw away
the longwire for the (BC) jack.
73 and HAPPY SWL'ing..............Bill/KJ6EO @ KJ6EO
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