Modifications for the Yaesu FT-209
FT 209 R /FT 209 RH: Activate 10 MHz segment between 130 and 160 MHz
It is possible to activate any 10 MHz segment between 130 and 160 MHz on the
FT 209 Handy from Yaesu. First you have to solder in the bridge 7 on the
control unit board ( pcb with the keypad ). Now after a reset the display
shows you "0000" with the first digt flashing and you have to enter
the receiving low, receiving high, transmitting low and transmitting high
frequency (only the first 4 digits !). For example :
If you wish a receiving segment from 142.500 to 151.800 and a transmitting
segment from 144.000 to 146.000 MHz you must enter the follwing after the
reset :
1 4 2 5 D
1 5 1 8 D
1 4 4 0 D
1 4 6 0 D
Finaly you must programm the repeater shift. The shift is n o t set to
600 kHz. Enter 0 6 0 0 F shift. That's all !
The PLL locks only between 138 - 152 MHz successfully and transmitter
works only between 140 - 149 MHz. If you want to use other frequencies
you must realign the rig.
19-07-1998 FT-209 RH Out of band
The magazine article says to jump pins 1, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, and 16.
In every 209RH I've opened, pins 1, 9, and 13 are already jumped. Adding
jumpers 7, 10, 11 and 16 allows "out-of-band" transmission. But the
receiver becomes thoroughly confused, and is not tunable.
The solution:
DON'T jump 11 and 16.
So the final steps are:
Add jumpers to 7 and 10.
Give the VCO can a 1/2 turn clockwise if you're moving to higher freqs.
Reset radio and reprogram rcv and xmit freqs, and rptr offset.
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9th February 2000

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