Modifications for the Yaesu FT-5200
FT-5200 mod for Ext Frq
Here are a couple of modifications/options for the New Yaesu FT-5200
Dual Band 2M/440 Tranceiver.
To expand the RF coverage so you can take advantage of MARS/CAP or
service uses follow the steps provided.
****** CAUTION ******
Follow proper ESD procedures to prevent
Electro-Static Discharge damage to semi-conductor components!
a. Remove Power.
b. Release and remove the front control head from the radio.
c. Remove the six screws from the top cove and the six screws from the bottom cover.
d. Carefully remove the top and bottom covers (careful not to drop out the speaker).
e. Remove the two screws and front control head mounting plate from the radio.
f. Locate solder pads 1 - 7 (Standard jumpered pads are 2 and 7 only)
g. sing a low wattage(30-40W) soldering iron and good electronic grade rosin core solder, Solder jump pads 1, 3, and 6. (Now pads 1, 2, 3,6 and 7 are jumpered)
h. Reinstall the front control panel mounting plate.
i. Reassemble the radio.
j. Connect Power.
k. Press and HOLD [D/MR], [F/W] & [REV] keys and turn on the radio. (The display will show 000.000 and 300.000)
l. Set the VHF transmit and receive limits as follows:
Enter 118.00 MHz and press [D/MR] (VHF Rx Low)
Enter 174.00 MHz and press [D/MR] (VHF Rx High)
Enter 140.00 MHz and Press [D/MR] (VHF Tx Low)
Enter 174.00 MHz and press [D/MR] (VHF Tx High)
m. Set the UHF transmit and receive limits as follows:
Enter 420.00 MHz and press [D/MR] (UHF Rx Low)
Enter 475.00 MHz and press [D/MR] (UHF Rx High)
Enter 420.00 MHz and Press [D/MR] (UHF Tx Low)
Enter 475.00 MHz and press [D/MR] (UHF Tx High)
n. Press [Function] then [REP] and select 5 MHz for UHF band Repeater offset.
o. Press [Function] then [REP] and select 600 KHz for VHF band Repeater offset.
That completes the modification for extended RF coverage of the FT-5200.
NOTICE! A license from the applicable service is required to operate outside
the normal ham bands (i.e. MARS or CAP).
--- Other items of interest for users of the FT-5200 ---
- Overriding the automatic display dimmer...
Press and HOLD [MHz] and turn on the radio, then use the channel knob to select the desired brightness.
- For expanded Receive in the VHF band (no change in transmit coverage)
Press and HOLD [DVS] & [MHz] keys and turn on the radio.
FT-5200 cross band mod
Disconnect power from radio.
Unlatch and remove the front control head.
Remove (6) screws from top cover of radio.
Remove (6) screws from bottom cover of radio.
Remove top and bottom cover, being careful for the speaker that will want to fall out.
Remove the (2) silver screws (on each side of radio) holding front control
head mounting plate to main body of radio. Remove the front mounting plate.
Locate and unsolder jumper pad 17.
Install the front mounting plate, and top and bottom covers.
Reconnect power.
To put in xband repeat press and hold the RPT key while turning on the
radio. To stop... turn off the radio.
Notes: It is suggested to disconnect the mic when in xband repeater, as it
will be "hot". Adjust the volume knob for the desired repeat audio level.
This might seem confusing when first viewing the jumper pads... they are to
the right of the 5 strip connector for the face plate and are numbered as
.. 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
.. 19 17 15 13 11 09 7 5 3 1
You will see that the number 17 is lower than the rest and that there are 2
pads above it... one in line with all the others (this is the correct one) and
one that is horizontal and just above the number "17" (this should be left
There are certain frequency combinations that just don't work, and others that
require one, the other, or both sides to transmit at low power.
Band Switching via D/MR button on microphone
Effect: change function of D/MR button on mike.
This is based on information from Yaesu in Japan.
The functions of pin 5 (the microphone button) can be altered
by changing jumpers in the control head. To find these
jumpers, see the section on packet radio in the ordinary
instruction book.
Control Head Jumper No
Pin 5 Function Closed Jumper Marked By X
1 2 3 4 5
Band X
1750Hz Tone Burst X X
Main band Busy Out X
Sub band Busy Out X
Call Channel X X
Main / Sub band busy out - When open SQL = 5 Volt DC
Closed SQL = 0 Volt DC
[ed - I'm not sure what this means since I don't own a 5200]
Attributed: John Newgas, G7LTQ,
Mute Level
Effect: [ed - I'm not really sure]
See above for location of jumpers, etc.
Mute Level Selection 1 2 3 4 5
No Mute
Minimum X
Middle X
Maximum X X
Crossband Repeat
Effect: crossband repeater
Bad effect: CTCSS function is lost
[ed -- there is another crossband mod in this list...]
This is based on information from Yaesu in Japan.
These jumpers are located in the main radio case. For location, refer
to the FT5200 Technical Guide.
Remove (open) JP5017 on the interface unit
Press and hold PRI button while switching on the power.
The FT5200 will now work as a cross band repeater.
The CTCSS function will be lost.
Extended Frequency Range
Effect: set receive and transmit range.
Bad effect: ARS gone.
This is based on information from Yaesu in Japan.
These jumpers are located in the main radio case. For location, refer
to the FT5200 Technical Guide.
Close (short) JP5001, JP5002, JP5003, JP5006 and JP5007
Remove (open) JP5004 and JP5005
The frequency range possible will now be approximately :
VHF Rx 110 - 180 MHz Tx 130 - 180 MHz
UHF Rx 330 - 480 MHz Tx 425 - 465 Mhz
The radio's alignment was done at the factory for your
original frequency bands and so there will not be optimum
behavior outside these ranges. Broadening the alignment will
sacrifice performance at usual frequencies. In practice, the
alignment does not need adjustment.
You can program the frequency limits now. [ed - note the
similarity (and dissimilarity!) to the 5100's program-limit
sequence above]
Press and hold [D/MR] [F/W] [REV] keys and turn radio on.
Program in VHF low edge of Rx
VHF high edge of Rx
VHF low edge of Tx
VHF high edge of Tx
Repeat for UHF in the same order.
I [John] have not done this so I can give no further advice on programming.
Extended Frequency Range (Another)
[ed - yes, there are two mods and I include them both since
they are so different in style (and perhaps content).]
Effect: set receive and transmit range.
Bad effect: ARS gone.
The following explains how to expand the receive and transmit
frequency range of the Yaesu FT-5200 and how to enable the cross-
band repeater operation.
All the modifications are carried out on the interface board and
involve removing or adding links on jumper spots.
You will get considerably increased receive and transmit
coverage; however, you will lose the Automatic Repeater Shift
(ARS) feature. You may think this is an acceptable price.
Finally, it should be obvious, but during this procedure you
will obviously lose any stored memories.
Remove the control head and set on one side
Remove the upper and lower covers on the main chassis. For
convenience, remove the speaker, noting which way the two
pin pcb connector is oriented. [ed -- does it matter?]
Remove two side screws holding on the front of the chassis
and remove chassis front. (The chassis front is the
surface with the contacts for the control head.)
Locate a double row of ten by two jumper spots, numbered 1
to 20. The jumper configurations will depend on the area
for which the rig was intended. Note the arrangement if
you ever want to un-modify your radio.
Using a fine-tip soldering iron, set the jumper spots as
This completes the alteration for frequency expansion.
Reassemble the radio.
Reinitialise the radio by simultaneously holding D/MR, F/W,
REV and POWER. You must now program in the band limits.
The display will show a blinking "1" in the left-hand
memory box and "000.000" in the left-hand frequency
display. (Ignore the right-hand display for now). The
following limits are suggested, but the RF circuitry of the
rig will only cover slightly less. Use the dial or up/down
buttons to select the frequency and then press D/MR to
store it. The blinking "1" will increment.
VHF rx: 137.000 174.000
VHF tx: 137.000 174.000
(display will show blinking "1" and "300.000")
UHF rx: 410.000 470.000
UHF tx: 410.000 470.000
(Note: it is possible to set the RX limits wider than the
TX limits; for obvious reasons you cannot have the reverse
You can repeat step 7 above at any time if you need to
change the limits.
The pre-set repeater offsets are now no longer available
and you will have to set them up manually using the
instructions on page 16 of the manual. The Automatic
Repeater Shift (ARS) feature (also on page 16 of the
manual) will also have disappeared and you will have no way
of getting it back (except by changing the jumpers back).
To enable the crossband repeat, remove the link at
jumper spot 17. (Note, just below jumper spot 17 is a
separate jumper spot, not part of the group of twenty -
leave this alone).
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9th February 2000

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