Modifications for the Yaesu FT-747
General coverage mods for FT-747GX
Remove top cover like explained in your OPERATING MANUAL.
On backside of display unit there is a brown jumper wire near the large ribbon cable.
Cut this jumper wire.
Turn radio on and set display for 12.345.6 and then turn radio off and then back on.
This enables the general coverage mode and a GEN display will appears on at the top of the LCD display.
Reassemble the unit. It will now transmit between 1.5 and 30 MHZ.
FT-747 power mods
For some time now I have wondering about reducing the power output
on my Yaesu FT747GX, in the SSB mode.
I have looked at using the external ALC to do this, but did not wish to have
another lead running out of the back of the radio.
I looked at the schematic of the rig and decided that if I removed the
diode D99 from the circuit, I would be able to utilize the drive control
on the front panel to reduce power in SSB mode.
After removing the top cover from the radio, I removed the screw holding the
crystal filter board in place and removed the board (simply lift squarely),
under the board you will see D99 marked on the main board.
I just cut the lead to the diode so as to allow reconnection at any time.
After I had done this mod I replaced the crystal filter board (and screw)
and tested the rig.
The results were excellent, I have full control of the power from 100W down to
less than than 50mW.
I tested the rig on air and worked a station about 2 miles away with 250mW,
on the 7 Mhz band, Below that level I was drown out with QRM.
After looking at the prices of some of the commercial QRP rigs available
I feel that the FT747 is a rig looking at, I also intend to use it for
driving a transverter.
Yaesu FT-747GX
Remove top cover,on the back of the display unit there
is a brown jumper wire near the large ribbon cable,cut the brown wire.
Turn the radio on and set the frequency to 12.345.6Khz,
then turn radio off and on again.
This allows general coverage, a GEN indicator should have
appeared on the top of the display.
It will now transmit everywhere it receives, however Yaesu
recommends that it only transmit between 1.8 Mhz to 30 Mhz !!
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9th February 2000

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