Modifications for the Yaesu FT-790
FT-790 Increasing the Power
You can readjust the ALC of the transmitter by adjusting VR3002.
Remove the top cover of the rig, then you will see the main unit,
(which is called No. 30XX. in the circuit diagram). On the left
you find a potentiometer named VR02. (In YAESU devices the
component numbers are always composed of the Board number and the
'local' part number so, VR3002 is VR02 on board No. 30XX).
BE CAREFUL: I have not checked yet the specification of the
output transistor. It is really possible that you should not
raise the power above the specified 2.5 watts!!!
FT-790 Reducing the volume of the BEEP and sidetone
You can adjust this volume with VR4002.
Remove the bottom cover of the rig, then you will see board No. 40XX.
Look for VR02 (at the rear end of the board in the middle)
and you've got it.
For each cover you only have to remove four screws. It is a little
difficult to pull off the cover, but be patient.
9600 bauds mods for FT790r
Audio output from FT790R receiver's Discriminator for 9600bauds
Here is a very simple way of taking audio direct from the discriminator.
Connect a flying lead to pin 9 QO8 (MC3357P). (To save you having to burrow,
just solder a lead on the IC pin itself). Drill a 1/4 hole in the case between
standby and speaker sockets. Insert phono socket here and connect the flying
lead and suitable Gnd. Thats it, job done.
TxAudio input into FT790R Varactor diode for 9600 bauds
Here are the details to input 9600 buads into the 790. Firstly make up the
following circuit.
Txaudio----->---] ]------------------22k----->To FC53M
: : :
: 22k ---
: : --- 10p
: : :
TxAgnd--->----------------------------------->Chassis Gnd
When you make up the above circuit, you must use very short leads!!!!
FC53M is a Varactor diode which is D1031 on the FT790r diagram.
FT-790R receiver's Discriminator for 9600bauds
Here is a very simple way of taking audio direct from the discriminator.
Connect a flying lead to pin 9 QO8 (MC3357P). (To save you having to burrow,
just solder a lead on the IC pin itself).
Drill a 1/4 hole in the case between standby and speaker sockets. Insert
phono socket here and connect the flying lead and suitable Gnd.
Thats it, job done.
TxAudio input into FT790R Varactor diode for 9600 bauds
Here are the details to input 9600 buads into the 790.
Firstly make up the following circuit.
Txaudio----->---] ]------------------22k----->To FC53M
: : :
: 22k ---
: : --- 10p
: : :
TxAgnd--->----------------------------------->Chassis Gnd
When you make up the above circuit, you must use very short leads!!!!
FC53M is a Varactor diode which is D1031 on the FT790r diagram.
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