Modifications for the Yaesu FT-890

YAESU FT890/AT (Firmware ROM version 1.21) TX 1,5 to 30 MHz mod

Try it at your own risk. 73's and good luck.

Another modification for the FT-890 Frequency

This is the MOD to open the FT-890 to make it capable of transmit from 1.5Mhz to 30MHz without restrictions!.

First, open both transceiver covers (follow the USER MANUAL instructions). Then locate the JW3001 jumper on the DISPLAY UNIT board (just rear the display).
Close the JW3001 jumper. Then power ON the transceiver with the following keys pressed: PROC, AGC-F, IPO, ATT.
On display you will see two numbers and OFF. Rotate the frequency knob until you see ON. Then press PROC and turn OFF the transceiver. It is not necessary to clear the jumper.

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