Modifications for the Yaesu MH-29A2B

YAESU micro-phone MH-29A2B Test mode


Just wanted to let everyone know about a test mode I found on the yaesu remote mic (MH-29A2B). This test mode does all of the following:

Lites the mic's backlight
Flashes the busy/tx lite red then green
Flashes every part of the mic's lcd one by one
Leaves the radio completely unaffected

To enter the mic's test mode:
  1. turn off the radio (radio must still be connected to a power source)
  2. plug in the mic
  3. hold down the mic's call button while pushing the mic's pwr button
The mic will go into test mode and the radio will remain off. The only way I have found to exit test mode is by removing the mic from the radio.

If anyone can find a similar test mode for the yaesu ft-530, please let me know.

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