Modifications for the Yaesu VX-1R
VX-1R Cell and expanded TX RX Mod
I do not represent Yaesu, and cannot be responsibIe for improper
use or performance of the radio after the mod (standard disclaimer BS, yuo all
know that..)
VX-1R Cell and expanded TX RX Mod
This is the basic VX-IR mod. Itve taken what I've found on the net, and
expanded on it slightly, after perfomning the mod to my radio. Note that after
perfonning the mod, ARS (Autumatic Repeater Offset) will nut functiun (whether
it's turned on or not), and you will lose any stored memuries and preferences.
The mod is very simple. First, put the piece of protective plastic back on the
display, or take a 3M Post-It Note (tm), and stick
it to the display. Work on top of a piece of 8 I/Z XI 1 paper (good contrast,
will also keep from marring the radio). Open the radio by removing the 3
screws. Taking a smallflat screwdriver, release the tab on the left, inside
the battery compartment (assume radio is facing down, antenna away from you).
Release the 2nd ~ tab and tht's about halfway up the inside of the battery
compartment Being very careful, separate the 2 halves the
radio. Yuu'll need to apply a kind of rotation along with the separation. Note
that the battery compartment lid and hinge pin will fall out. Keep track of
these l the left uf the to the edge of the case, you'll see two pads, (closer
to the top) O). They look like a gold circle with a line down the middle. You
won't move the battery to see these. Each of these pads need to be bridged
with a solder blod. Use a small iron, and work careful, or you'll burn the
case. After brindgin the pads snap the radio back together. 1 had a slight
amount of difficulty getting the right side of the case aligned, so you may
have to work at it sligtly. Before you actuly perform the
"snapll, put the hinge pin through the battery comparfrnent lid, and
reinstalled the lid.
Replace the 3 screws. Add battery, antenna back to radio. Holding the M/V key
and AR, apply power (this is the hard reset to the radio). When the menu that
sasy "INI? F" appears, press the F/W key to reset the radio. You should now
have the expanded mod.
You will lose all the memories and preferences, su either record them, or do
the mod before you save lots of frequencies. My tests show that you can also
now transmit ftom 108 to 137 (AIR), 137 to 170 (V-HAM) , 170 to 222 (V-TV),
420 to 470 (U-HAM) , and 470 to 580 (part of UHF-TV). 1 haven't measured power
output, but am simply going on the fact of the TX LED lighting or not, and
whether it made the speakers next to my PC buzz or not. Remember, it's not
nice or legal to fransmit out of band, or outside your license class. When
tuning around, be sure to check the receive mode. The processor puts the radio
into AM in places where it doesn't make any sense, so don't trust the RX-MODE
option being in AUTO. I keep mine disabled.
Version test Yaesu VX-1R
Indicates Software Version/Display Test Mode
Power radio off (if it's On)
Press and HOLD the "AR" button while you power up the radio.
This puts the radio in the "Test Mode". Keep pushing the "AR" button.
It will cycle through different patterns on the LCD display. At the end,
it will display One Letter and Three Numbers. A102/A104 and A105 seem to be
the current versions ??? If you sailed by it, just keep pressing the "AR"
To exit from this "Test Mode" just power down the Radio.
VX-1R Internal System Alignment Routine
Squelch Hysteresis
Squelch Threshold & Tightness Adjustment
Wide FM Squelch Adjustment
S-Meter Full Scale & S-1 Adjustment
Set TRX to 145MHz and turn it off.
Press FW VOL and MONITOR switch together while turning the radio on.
You can select the parameters by pressing UP or DWN.
The alignment is performed by pressing th M/V key while injecting a signal
of the required frequency and level.
Pressing FW key after a setting is made stores the entry. To exit press PWR
After performing the system alignment in this entirety, individual settings
can be returned to and adjusted should the need arise.
VHF Adjustement--------------------
Squelch Hysteresis HSSQ
Auto Squelch Hysteresis HASQ
Squelch Preset Threshold THSQ
Inject a -15dBµ RF Signal ( 3,5KHz deviation @1-KHz )then Press M/V twice
for the next setting.
Squelch Preset Tight TISQ
Adjust the generator level vor a -4dBµ signal then press V/M twice for the
next setting .
Wide Squelch Adjust WDSQ
Low Scale S-1 Adjustment S1VL
input -7dBµ then press M/V.
S-Meter Full-Scale Adjust S9VL
Generator Level to +22dBµ then press M/V.
To save and exit press FW key for more than 1 second. Then press PWR
UHF Adjustement-------------------------
The same Routine on 435MHz
Yaesu VX-1R - Expanded Transmit 137 - 175, 410 - 470 MHz
Remove battery
Remove the (3) small black screws.
Carefully open the radio, spliting the radio front and rear cases
Looking down inside of the top left side of the radio (left of rotary
encoder) , locate and ADD Solder to jumpers "0" and "1"
(jumper "0" is the top jumper and jumper "1" is below it)
Assemble radio.
Press and hold [M/V] and [AR] keys while turning on the radio.
Modification Complete
Bad connection with the antenna
I have one of these little tranceivers , when i first got it i was
a little dissipointed with the receive sensitivity on various bands
anyway when i connected it to a large outside antenna it was great
so i decided to check out the antenna ( rubber duck ).
and i found that the brass/copper contact that makes the connection
was very tarnished , so i used a very fine grade emery paper to clean
this connection up , and then sprayed it with some switch cleaner
and finished off using a cotton wool bud , to wipe away any bits of dust
and metal particles . when i re connected it , the radio was so much better ,
things i could not here was booming in.
so just check your' out , like i say mine was receiving but was poor ...
but now its much better .
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9th February 2000

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