This is for the EPT210010 PCB version, the older/larger model
1. Set band button to high
2. Set band switch to "A"
3. Set mode switch to "AM"
4. Set clarifier fine/coarse to 12 o'clock
5. Set channel selector to 1
6. Connect oscope to C618
7. Adjust T601 for peak
8. Connect frequency counter to IC 608 pin 9
9. Adjust VC603 for 3.27675
10. Connect frequency counter to IC 607 pin 1
11. Set mode switch to "USB"
12. Adjust T602 for 2.67310
13. Set mode switch to "AM"
14. Adjust VC602 for 2.67375
15. Set mode switch to "LSB"
16. Adjust VC601 for 2.67435
17. Set mode switch to "USB"
18. Re-adjust T602 for 2.67315
19. Repeat steps 13 through 18 until all frequencies are correct
This counter shows the number of hits since the 28th January 2002
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