Grant XL (PB-208AA) Alignment Instructions

CAUTION: Use isolation transformer or observe polarity when connecting test equipment.
Allow a 15-minute warm-up period.
Adjustments made with 13.8 volt DC input.
Connect low sides of test equipment to ground unless specified otherwise.
Connect 50-ohm dummy load or antenna before keying transmitter.
Connect microphone.
Suggested Alignment Tools:


L36, L38 9091,8728-A,8728
CAI, CT2 8276,5000

L3, L13, LI5 ............. 5009,8728-A,8728

L1, L2, L4 the L10, L12, L14, L19 through L23

L30, L31, L45 through to L48 9440


Test setup Preset to: Adjustment: Notes:
Input of frequency counter through a
47pF capacitor to TP20 (IC1 Pin 7).
Ch. 19, AM   Check for 10.240MHz.
Input of oscilloscope to TP2 (to the left of L22). Ch. 19, AM L21 Adjust for maximum.

Input of frequency counter to TP3 (between L19 and L47)

Ch. 19, USB

Clarifier Midrange


Adjust for 34.3515MHz (New Zealand).

Adjust for 34.985 MHz (FCC).

Ch. 19, AM

Clarifier Midrange


Adjust for 34.350 MHz (New Zealand)

Adjust for 34.9815MHz (FCC).


Ch. 19, LSB

Clarifier Midrange


Adjust for 34.3485MHz (New Zealand).

Adjust for 34.9885MHz (FCC).

Input of DC meter to TP1.

Ch. 40, AM

Clarifier Midrange

L19 Adjust for 3.6 volts.
Input of oscilloscope to TP3.

Ch. 19, AM

Clarifier Midrange

L20 Adjust for maximum.
Input of frequency counter to TP2 Ch. 1, AM  

Check for .790MHz.

Check all channels, it should increase by 10KHz per channel.

Input of frequency counter to TP5 (at back near Q19). Ch. 19, USB CT2 Adjust for 7.8015MHz +5Hz, -0Hz.
  Ch. 19, LSB L30 Adjust for 7.7985MHz +0Hz, -5Hz.
  Ch. 19, AM, Transmit L31 Disconnect TP7 and TP8.
Adjust for 7.8000MHz +5Hz.
Reconnect TP7 and TP8.

Input of frequency counter to R20(Q9 Emitter, next to X1).
Ch. 19, AM   Check for 7.345MHz.
Input of frequency counter to
antenna jack.
Ch. 19, AM, Transmit VR5

Adjust for 26.550MHz (New Zealand).

Adjust for 27.185MHz (FCC).


AM Mode

Connect an AC VTVM or AF Watt meter across speaker voice coil. Adjust volume control to obtain a suitable indication. Set generator output low enough to prevent AGC limiting. RF Gain Maximum, Clarifier Midrange, Squelch MINIMUM, NB/AN;- Off, AM

Test setup: Preset to: Adjustments: Notes:
output of signal generator through a
.0luF capacitor to TP23 (FET1 G1).
455kHz, 1000Hz @ 30% modulation.
Ch.19, AM L15,Ll3,L3 Adjust for maximum.
Output of signal generator through a
.0luF capacitor to antenna jack.
27.185MHz, 1000Hz @ 30% modulation.
Ch. 19, AM L10,L9,L8,L7,L6,L5,L4

Adjust for maximum.

If necessary, readjust
L3,L13 and L15.

Input of oscilloscope to TP25
(DI Cathode).

NB/ANL On Inject a 100pps, luSec. Pulse width signal.

Ch. 19, AM, NB/ANL on L2,L1 Adjust for maximum.

SSB Mode

Connect an AC VTVM or AF wattmeter across speaker voice coil. Adjust volume control to obtain a suitable indication. Set generator output low enough to prevent AGC limiting. RF Gain Maximum, Clarifier Midrange, Squelch MINIMUM, NB/ANL Off.

Test setup: Preset to: Adjustments: Notes:
output of signal generator through a .0luF capacitor to TP24 (Q15 Emitter). 7.8005MHz, no modulation. Ch. 19, USB L14,L12,L10, L9,L8,L7 Adjust for maximum output.
Output of signal generator through .0luF to antenna jack. 27.186MHz, no modulation.' Ch. 19, USB L6, L5, L4
Adjust for maximum output.
If necessary, readjust L7,L8, L9, L10, L12 and L14.


General Adjustments

Connect an AC VTVM or AF wattmeter across speaker voice coil. Adjust volume control to obtain a suitable indication. RF Gain Maximum, Clarifier Midrange, Squelch MINIMUM, NB/ANL Off, MOD/S/RF S/RF

Test setup: Preset to: Adjustments: Notes:
output of signal generator through
.0luF to antenna jack. Squelch Maximum
27.185MHz, 1000Hz @ 30% modulation.
Output 1000uV.
Ch. 19, AM, Squelch at maximum VR3 SQUELCH RANGE Adjust so that squelch Just breaks.
Output of signal generator through
.0luF to antenna jack.
27.185MHz, 1000Hz @ 30% modulation.
Output 100uV.
Ch. 19, AM VR1 AM SIGNAL METER Adjust for 9 on S scale of meter.
Output of signal generator through
.01uF to antenna jack.
27.186MHz, no modulation.
Output, 100uV.
Ch. 19, USB VR2 SSB SIGNAL METER Adjust for 9 on S scale of meter.

Transmitter Alignment

AM Mode

Connect an RF wattmeter and 50-ohm, 25-watt dummy load to antenna connector.

NOTE: Be sure to check transmit frequency and power on all active channels after alignment of transmitter.

Test Setup: Preset To: Adjustments: Notes:
Input of spectrum analyzer or harmonic meter to antenna Jack. Ch. 19 L36 Adjust for MINIMUM at 54MHz.


SSB Mode

Connect an RF wattmeter and 50 Ohm, 25-watt dummy load to antenna connector.
NOTE: Be sure to check transmit frequency and power on all active channels after
alignment of transmitter.

Test Setup : Preset To: Adjust: Notes:
Inject a 1000Hz, IOOmV signal at
mic input.
Ch. 19, USB, Mike gain at maximum L47,L48,L46, L45,L38

Set V11 fully clockwise.

Mike Gain Maximum

Adjust for maximum.

Readjust VR11


General Adjustments

Connect an RF Watt meter and 50-ohm, 25-watt dummy load to antenna connector.

NOTE: Be sure to check transmit frequency and power on all active channels after adjustment of transmitter.

Test Setup: Preset To: Adjustments: Notes:
Input of oscilloscope to antenna jack.
No signal input.
Ch. 19, USB VR4 BALANCE Adjust for MINIMUM RF.
Insert DC current meter at TP8 (pull wire from pin next to VR7).
No signal input.
Ch. 19, USB VR9 Driver BIAS, Adjust for 25mA.
Insert DC current meter at TP7 (pull wire from pin next to VR7).
No signal input.
Ch. 19, USB VR8 Final BIAS, Adjust for 5OmA.

Input of RF Watt meter to antenna jack.
Inject a 1000Hz, 100mV signal at mic input.

Ch. 19, USB

Mike Gain Maximum

VR11 SSB POWER (ALC) Adjust for 11 watts.
Input of RF Watt meter to antenna jack.
No signal input.
Ch. 19, AM VR10 AM POWER Adjust for 3.8 watts.
Input of RF Watt meter to antenna

Ch. 19, AM


VR6 TX PWR METER Adjust VR6 so that TX PWR meter agrees with RF Watt meter
TX, Dummy load and SWR matcher

Ch. 19, AM

VR12 Adjust the external SWR matcher to give a SWR of 2:1 adjust VR12 to agree with external SWR reading on meter.


AMC alignment:


Attach the oscilloscope to the antenna socket and set the scope to the audio range (about 0.5 mS/ Div).

Inject a 100mV 1KHz signal into the mic socket, adjust for 95% modulation.


List of adjustments:


VR1 Signal meter (AM)
VR2 Signal meter (SSB)
VR3 Squelch
VR4 Carrier balance
VR5 TX frequency
VR6 TX power meter
VR8 Final Bias
VR9 Driver Bias
VR10 AM Power
VR12 SWR meter
L1 Noise blanker
L2 Noise blanker
L3 I.F. 1st stage
L4 RX (1st stage)
L5 RX (2nd stage)
L6 RX (3rd stage)
L7 RX (4th stage)
L8 RX (5th stage)
L9 RX (6th stage)
L10 RX (7th stage)
L12 I.F. (1st stage)
L13 I.F. (2nd stage)
L14 I.F. (3rd stage)
L15 I.F. (4th stage)
L20 VCO output
L21 Loop frequency output
L22 LSB loop frequency
L23 AM loop frequency
L30 LSB offset frequency
L31 AM offset frequency
L36 TX (band pass filter)
L38 TX (3rd stage)
L45 TX (2nd stage)
L46 TX mixer output (1st stage)
L47 TX mixer input
L48 TX mixer input
L46 TX mixer output (1st stage)
L59 USB loop frequency
CT2 USB offset frequency


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