Use isolation transformer or observe polarity when connecting test equipment.
Allow a 15-minute warm-up period.
Adjustments made with 13.8 volt DC input.
Connect low sides of test equipment to ground unless specified otherwise.
Connect 50-ohm dummy load or antenna before keying transmitter.
Connect microphone.
Suggested Alignment Tools:
L36, L38 9091,8728-A,8728
CAI, CT2 8276,5000
L3, L13, LI5 ............. 5009,8728-A,8728
L1, L2, L4 the L10, L12, L14, L19 through L23
L30, L31, L45 through to L48 9440
Test setup | Preset to: | Adjustment: | Notes: |
of frequency counter through a 47pF capacitor to TP20 (IC1 Pin 7). |
Ch. 19, AM | Check for 10.240MHz. | |
Input of oscilloscope to TP2 (to the left of L22). | Ch. 19, AM | L21 | Adjust for maximum. |
Input of frequency counter to TP3 (between L19 and L47) |
Ch. 19, USB Clarifier Midrange |
L59 |
Adjust for 34.3515MHz (New Zealand). Adjust for 34.985 MHz (FCC). |
Ch. 19, AM Clarifier Midrange |
L23 |
Adjust for 34.350 MHz (New Zealand) Adjust for 34.9815MHz (FCC). |
Ch. 19, LSB Clarifier Midrange |
L22 |
Adjust for 34.3485MHz (New Zealand). Adjust for 34.9885MHz (FCC). |
Input of DC meter to TP1. |
Ch. 40, AM Clarifier Midrange |
L19 | Adjust for 3.6 volts. |
Input of oscilloscope to TP3. |
Ch. 19, AM Clarifier Midrange |
L20 | Adjust for maximum. |
Input of frequency counter to TP2 | Ch. 1, AM |
Check for .790MHz. Check all channels, it should increase by 10KHz per channel. |
Input of frequency counter to TP5 (at back near Q19). | Ch. 19, USB | CT2 | Adjust for 7.8015MHz +5Hz, -0Hz. |
Ch. 19, LSB | L30 | Adjust for 7.7985MHz +0Hz, -5Hz. | |
Ch. 19, AM, Transmit | L31 | Disconnect
TP7 and TP8. Adjust for 7.8000MHz +5Hz. Reconnect TP7 and TP8. |
Input of frequency counter to R20(Q9 Emitter, next to X1). |
Ch. 19, AM | Check for 7.345MHz. | |
of frequency counter to antenna jack. |
Ch. 19, AM, Transmit | VR5 |
Adjust for 26.550MHz (New Zealand). Adjust for 27.185MHz (FCC). |
Connect an AC VTVM or AF Watt meter across speaker voice coil. Adjust
volume control to obtain a suitable indication. Set generator output low
enough to prevent AGC limiting. RF Gain Maximum, Clarifier Midrange, Squelch
Test setup: | Preset to: | Adjustments: | Notes: |
of signal generator through a .0luF capacitor to TP23 (FET1 G1). 455kHz, 1000Hz @ 30% modulation. |
Ch.19, AM | L15,Ll3,L3 | Adjust for maximum. |
of signal generator through a .0luF capacitor to antenna jack. 27.185MHz, 1000Hz @ 30% modulation. |
Ch. 19, AM | L10,L9,L8,L7,L6,L5,L4 |
Adjust for maximum. If
necessary, readjust |
of oscilloscope to TP25 NB/ANL On Inject a 100pps, luSec. Pulse width signal. |
Ch. 19, AM, NB/ANL on | L2,L1 | Adjust for maximum. |
Connect an AC VTVM or AF wattmeter across speaker voice coil. Adjust volume
control to obtain a suitable indication. Set generator output low enough to
prevent AGC limiting. RF Gain Maximum, Clarifier Midrange, Squelch MINIMUM,
Test setup: | Preset to: | Adjustments: | Notes: |
output of signal generator through a .0luF capacitor to TP24 (Q15 Emitter). 7.8005MHz, no modulation. | Ch. 19, USB | L14,L12,L10, L9,L8,L7 | Adjust for maximum output. |
Output of signal generator through .0luF to antenna jack. 27.186MHz, no modulation.' | Ch. 19, USB | L6, L5, L4 | Adjust for maximum output. If necessary, readjust L7,L8, L9, L10, L12 and L14. |
Connect an AC VTVM or AF wattmeter across speaker voice coil. Adjust volume
control to obtain a suitable indication. RF Gain Maximum, Clarifier Midrange,
Test setup: | Preset to: | Adjustments: | Notes: |
of signal generator through .0luF to antenna jack. Squelch Maximum 27.185MHz, 1000Hz @ 30% modulation. Output 1000uV. |
Ch. 19, AM, Squelch at maximum | VR3 | SQUELCH RANGE Adjust so that squelch Just breaks. |
of signal generator through .0luF to antenna jack. 27.185MHz, 1000Hz @ 30% modulation. Output 100uV. |
Ch. 19, AM | VR1 | AM
SIGNAL METER Adjust for 9 on S scale of meter. |
of signal generator through .01uF to antenna jack. 27.186MHz, no modulation. Output, 100uV. |
Ch. 19, USB | VR2 | SSB SIGNAL METER Adjust for 9 on S scale of meter. |
Connect an RF wattmeter and 50-ohm, 25-watt dummy load to antenna connector.
NOTE: Be sure to check transmit frequency and power on all active channels
after alignment of transmitter.
Test Setup: | Preset To: | Adjustments: | Notes: |
Input of spectrum analyzer or harmonic meter to antenna Jack. | Ch. 19 | L36 | Adjust for MINIMUM at 54MHz. |
Connect an RF wattmeter and 50 Ohm, 25-watt dummy load to antenna connector.
NOTE: Be sure to check transmit frequency and power on all active channels
alignment of transmitter.
Test Setup : | Preset To: | Adjust: | Notes: |
a 1000Hz, IOOmV signal at mic input. |
Ch. 19, USB, Mike gain at maximum | L47,L48,L46, L45,L38 |
Set V11 fully clockwise. Mike Gain Maximum Adjust for maximum. Readjust VR11 |
Test Setup: | Preset To: | Adjustments: | Notes: |
of oscilloscope to antenna jack. No signal input. |
Ch. 19, USB | VR4 | BALANCE
Adjust for MINIMUM RF. |
DC current meter at TP8 (pull wire from pin next to VR7). No signal input. |
Ch. 19, USB | VR9 | Driver BIAS, Adjust for 25mA. |
DC current meter at TP7 (pull wire from pin next to VR7). No signal input. |
Ch. 19, USB | VR8 | Final BIAS, Adjust for 5OmA. |
of RF Watt meter to antenna jack. |
Ch. 19, USB Mike Gain Maximum |
VR11 | SSB POWER (ALC) Adjust for 11 watts. |
of RF Watt meter to antenna jack. No signal input. |
Ch. 19, AM | VR10 | AM POWER Adjust for 3.8 watts. |
of RF Watt meter to antenna jack. |
Ch. 19, AM MOD/S/RF S/RF |
VR6 | TX PWR METER Adjust VR6 so that TX PWR meter agrees with RF Watt meter |
TX, Dummy load and SWR matcher |
Ch. 19, AM |
VR12 | Adjust the external SWR matcher to give a SWR of 2:1 adjust VR12 to agree with external SWR reading on meter. |
Attach the oscilloscope to the antenna socket and set the scope to the audio range (about 0.5 mS/ Div).
Inject a 100mV 1KHz signal into the mic socket, adjust for 95% modulation.
VR1 | Signal meter (AM) |
VR2 | Signal meter (SSB) |
VR3 | Squelch |
VR4 | Carrier balance |
VR5 | TX frequency |
VR6 | TX power meter |
VR7 | AMC |
VR8 | Final Bias |
VR9 | Driver Bias |
VR10 | AM Power |
VR11 | ALC |
VR12 | SWR meter |
L1 | Noise blanker |
L2 | Noise blanker |
L3 | I.F. 1st stage |
L4 | RX (1st stage) |
L5 | RX (2nd stage) |
L6 | RX (3rd stage) |
L7 | RX (4th stage) |
L8 | RX (5th stage) |
L9 | RX (6th stage) |
L10 | RX (7th stage) |
L12 | I.F. (1st stage) |
L13 | I.F. (2nd stage) |
L14 | I.F. (3rd stage) |
L15 | I.F. (4th stage) |
L19 | VCO |
L20 | VCO output |
L21 | Loop frequency output |
L22 | LSB loop frequency |
L23 | AM loop frequency |
L30 | LSB offset frequency |
L31 | AM offset frequency |
L36 | TX (band pass filter) |
L38 | TX (3rd stage) |
L45 | TX (2nd stage) |
L46 | TX mixer output (1st stage) |
L47 | TX mixer input |
L48 | TX mixer input |
L46 | TX mixer output (1st stage) |
L59 | USB loop frequency |
CT2 | USB offset frequency |
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