1. Test equipment required:
DC Power supply (13.8V)
DC Voltmeter
Frequency Counter
Dummy Load (50 Ohm)2. Preparation for Alignment:
PA SW : Off
Mode SW : AM
RIT : Middle Position
TX SW : Off3. Alignment Procedure:
¼ Preset to: Adjustment Remarks 1 Set radio to 28.000 Mhz
Mode : RX, AM
SG : 28MHzL315 Connect an oscilloscope to TP306.
Adjust L315 For 6.200MHz +/- reading on the oscilloscope.2 Ditto L318 Connect the oscilloscpe to TP304.
Adjust L318 for 38.695MHz +/- 20Hz reading on the oscilloscope.3 Mode : RX, AM
SG : 29.6999 MHzL317 Connect a DC Voltmeter to TP303.
Adjust L317 for 6.5 +/- 0.1V reading on the Dc Voltmeter.4 Mode : RX, CW
SG : 28 MHzL117 Connect the oscilloscope to TP1.
Adjust L117 for 10.6950MHz +/- 20Hz reading on the oscilloscope.5 Mode : RX, LSB L118 Adjust L118 for 10.6925MHz (-40Hz to +0Hz) reading on the oscilloscope) 6 Mode : RX, USB L116 Adjust L116 for 10.6975MHz +/- 20 Hz reading on the oscilloscope. 7 Mode : RX, USB VR111 Connect the oscilloscope to TP5.
Adjust VR111 for 38.6975MHz +/- 20 Hz reading on the oscilloscope
Alignment of Transmitter Portion
1. Test equipment required:
DC Power supply (13.8V) more than 10A
AF S.S.G. AM FM (1kHz, 500Hz and 2400Hz)
DC Ammeter
RF Power Meter
Dummy Load (50 Ohm)
FM Linear Detector2. Preparation for Alignment:
VR112 : Clockwise.................PA SW : Off
VR113 : Counter Clockwise.......Meter SW : RF
VR103 : Clockwise.................MicGain SW : Off
SWR/CAL : Middle Position......TX SW : Off
Freq. : 28.000 MHz3. Alignment Procedure:
Preset to: Adjustment Remarks 1 Mode:USB
No Mod.VR112 Remove the B002(PB-100) from the Main PCB.
Connect a DC Ammeter (+) to TP4, (-) to TP3.
Adjust VR112 for 50mA reading on the DC Ammeter.2 Ditto VR113 Connect a DC Ammeter (+) to TP4, (-) to TP2.
Adjust VR113 for 50 mA reading on DC Ammeter.3 1mV Mod. L111 Disconnect DC Ammeter. Reinstall the B002 to the Main PCB.
Connect A RF Power meter to the ANT. jack. Connect a RF VTVM, an oscilloscope and a FM Linear Detector across a RF Dummy Load to the RF Power meter.
Adjust L111 for maximum reading on the RF VTVM.
During this step, set the AF oscillator so that the output is less than 20V.
Repeat this two times.4 30 mV Mod. VR104 Adjust VR104 for 32.5V reading on the RF VTVM. 5 Ditto VR106 Adjust VR106 so that the carrier leakage at USB and LSB becomes minimum and almost equal. 6 Mode: CW
No Mod.VR103 Connect a SW between Pin 8 and 9 of the ACC connector.
With the SW turned on, adjust VR103 for 21W reading on the Power meter.7 Mode: AM
No Mod.VR107 Adjust VR107 for 10W reading on the RF power meter.¦ 8 Ditto VR117 Adjust VR117 so that "9" LCD just lights on. 9 1 kHz, 30mV
ModulationVR114 Adjust VR114 to obtain the 85% negative reading on the oscilloscope 10 1kHz, 1mV
INDIC: MODVR115 Adjust VR115 so that "9" LCD just lights on. 11 Mode: FM
1kHz, 30mV
ModulationVR105 Adjust VR105 for +/- 3kHz deviation reading on the FM Linear Detector 12 Mode: CW
No Mod.
Vol. : MaxVR116 Connect a AF VTVM across a dummy load (8 Ohm) between Pin 1 and Pin 2 of the ACC connector. With the SW turned on, adjust VR116 for 0.4V negative reading on the AF VTVM.
Alignment of Receiver Portion
1. Test equipment required:
DC Power supply (13.8V)
Dummy Load (50 Ohm)
S.S.G. AM FM (28.000MHz, 1KHz, 30% Mod. and 50 Ohm Impedance)2. Preparation for Alignment:
NB SW : Off
Mode : AM
PA SW : Off
Squelch : Min. (Auto SQ Off)
Beep SW : Off
RF Gain : MAX
TX SW : Off
RIT : Middle position3. Alignment Procedure:
Preset to: Adjustment Remarks 1 L101, L104,
L113, L115,
and L105Alignment of sensitivity
Adjust coils for maximum reading of the AF VTVM. (During this step, set the S.S.G. attenuator so that the standard output is less than 0.5W (2v/8ohm)).2 VR102 Alignment of Squelch
Set th output of the S.S.G. to 66dB +/- 2dB and squelch to maximum. Adjust VR102 so that squelch just breaks.3 VR101 Alignment of S-Meter
Set the output of the S.S.G. to 46dB, no modulation.
Adjust VR101 so that "9" LCD just lights on.4 Mode : FM
S.S.G. : 1mV
(1.5kHz Dev.)L401 Adjust L401 for maximum reading on AF VTVM. 5 Mode : AM
Noise GEN.
to the ANT Jack.L203 Adjust L203 for minimum reading on the AF VTVM.
(Noise GEN. OUTPUT : 50Hz SQ Wave 2Vp-p)
VR103 adjusts the power level on CW, AM, FM. the proper way to adjust in the manual says:
Connect a switch between pins 8 & 9 of ACC connector.
Close the switch and adjust VR103 for a 21 watt reading on the power meter.
This adjustment is made while in the CW mode with no modulation.
Once this is done you can set deadkey with VR107 while in AM mode.
The manual suggests a setting of 10 watts but you can set it where you need it to be.
If you use VR103 to set AM deadkey then CW and FM will operate at the same level, that is undesirable.
Hope this helps!
VR-114 Modulation (AMC)
VR-103 AM Power (dead key)
VR-104 SSB Power (ALC)
VR-117 RF Meter
VR-102 Squelch
VR-101 S-Meter
VR-116 Side tone
VR-115 Modulation Meter
VR-111 TX Freq.
VR-105 FM Modulation
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