Preset to: | Adjustment: | Comments: |
Channel: 40 Mode: AM, RX. Band: Low |
L16 |
Connect oscilloscope to TP4 (lead of R112). Adjust L16 for maximum signal level. |
Channel: 40 Mode: AM, RX. Band: Hi |
L17 |
Connect DC Volt meter to TP2 (lead of R117). Adjust L17 to obtain a 5.5 Volt reading, confirm that it is above 2 Volts in low band on channel 1. |
Channel: 40 Mode: AM, RX. Band: Low |
L18 |
Connect oscilloscope to TP3 (lead of R81). Adjsut L18 for maximum reading. |
Channel: 40 Mode: AM, RX. Band: Low Make sure that clarifier is centered ! |
L20 |
Connect frequency counter to TP3 (lead of R81). Adjust L20 to obtain 16.7100 MHz reading. |
Channel: 40 Mode: USB, RX Band: Low |
L21 | Adjust L21 to obtain 16.7125 MHz reading. |
Channel: 40 Mode: LSB, RX Band: Low |
L22 | Adjust L22 to obtain 16.7075 MHz reading. |
Channel: 40 Mode: LSB, TX Band: Low |
VR6 | Adjust VR6 to obtain 16.7075 MHz reading. |
Channel: 40 Mode: LSB, RX. Band: Low |
L25 |
Connect frequency counter to TP5 (lead of R53). Adjust L25 to obtain 10.6975 MHz reading. |
Channel: 40 Mode: USB, RX. Band: Low |
L24 | Adjust L24 to obtain 10.6925 MHz reading. |
Channel: 40 Mode: AM, TX. Band: Low |
L23 |
Connect frequency counter to TP9 (lead of R84). Adjust L23 to obtain 10.6950 MHz reading. |
Preset to: | Adjustment: | Comments: |
Channel: 40 Mode: USB, TX. Band: Low |
VR10 |
Connect DC Ammeter to TP8(+) and TP7 (-). Disconnect the PC-834 jumper PCB. Adjsut VR10 to obtain a 8mA current reading. |
Channel: 40 Mode: USB, TX. Band: Low |
VR9 |
Connect DC Ammeter to TP8(+) and TP6 (-). Adjsut VR9 to obtain a 100mA current reading. |
Channel: 40 Mode: USB, TX. Band: Low Audio generator set to 30mV, 500Hz and 2400Hz two tone signal. |
L43 and L44 |
Disconnect the DC Ammeter, re-instal the PC834 jumper PCB. Connect power meter, and oscilloscope to antenna socket (don't forget the dummy load). Set VR7 clockwise to maximum. Adjust L43 and L44 for peak output. |
Channel: 30 Mode: USB, TX. Band: Low Audio generator set to 30mV, 500Hz and 2400Hz two tone signal. |
L42 |
Turn the core of L41 to be flat with upper side of the coils cover. Adjust L42 for maximum output. |
Channel: 30 Mode: USB, TX. Band: High Audio generator set to 30mV, 500Hz and 2400Hz two tone signal. |
L41 | Adjust L41 for the maximum output, keep output below 20V by adjusting audio generator level. |
Channel: 1-40 Mode: USB, TX. Band: Low-High Audio generator set to 30mV, 500Hz and 2400Hz two tone signal. |
L42 | Adjust L42 to obtain minimum power difference between Channel 1 Low band and Channel 40 high band. |
Channel: 40 Mode: AM, TX Band: Low 90% modulation (1kHz tone) |
L30 | Adjust L30 to obtain the maximum signal level on oscilloscope. |
Channel: 40 Mode: USB, TX. Band: Low Audio generator set to 30mV, 500Hz and 2400Hz two tone signal. |
VR7 |
Adjust VR7 to obtain a reading of 24.5 Volts on oscilloscope. |
Channel: 40 Mode: USB, TX. Band: Low No modulation |
VR4 | Adjust VR4 to obtain the minimum carrier leakage. |
Channel: 40 Mode: LSB, TX. Band: Low |
VR4 |
As above. |
Channel: 40 Mode: AM, TX. Band: Low no modulation |
VR11 | Adjust VR11 to obtain RF carrier power of 4.0 W on RF power meter. |
Channel: 40 Mode: AM, TX. Band: Low no modulation |
VR8 | Adjust VR8 to obtain an indication of 4 W on radios power meter. |
Channel: 40 Mode: AM, TX. Band: Low Audio generator set to 30mV 1kHz modulation |
VR5 | Adjsut VR5 to obtain 90% modulation. |
Channel: 40 Mode: FM, TX. Band: Low Audio generator set to 30mV 1kHz modulation |
VR3 |
Connect deviation meter. Adjust VR3 to obtain 4.5kHz deviation on meter. |
Preset to: | Adjustment: | Comments: |
Channel: 40 Mode: AM, RX. Band: Low NB/ANL: Off RF gain: Maximum Volume: Maximum Squelch: Off |
Connect RF signal generator to radio, set to 27.405 MHz with 30%, 1 kHz modulation. Connect oscilloscope and 8 ohm dummy load to external speaker jack, set scope up for audio frequency measurement. |
L7 | Turn core of L7 clockwise fully to end of adjustment. | |
L6, L8, L10, L11, L12, L13, L14 |
Adjust to obtain the maximum output audio output power on oscilloscope. Keep output below 500mW by reducing RF generator level. |
L7 | Adjust L7 to obtain the maximum audio output power. | |
Channel: 39 Mode: AM, RX. Band: Low NB/ANL: ON Squelch: Off |
L1, L2 |
Connect oscilloscope to TP1, adjust RF signal generator to channel 39 with no modulation and activate 20dB attenuator. Adjust L1 and L2 to obtain the maximum DC voltage on oscilloscope. |
Channel: 40 Mode: AM, RX. Band: Low NB/ANL: ON Squelch: Maximum |
VR2 |
Set RF signal generator to channel 40, 30%, 1 kHz modulation. Adjust VR2 to turn off the squelch circuit when RF generator output reaches 1000uV. |
VR1 |
Set the RF signal generator output to 100uV, no modulation. Adjust VR1 to obtain a reading of "S-9" on radios signal meter. |
Channel: 40 Mode: FM, RX. Band: Low |
L3, L4 |
Set the RF signal generator output to 5uV no modulation. Connect oscilloscope to TP10 (lead of R279). Adjust coils to obtain maximum indication on oscilloscope. |
L5 |
Set the RF signal generator output to FM 1.5kHz deviation, 1mV. Adjust L5 to obtain maximum reading on oscilloscope. |
VR1 | Signal meter |
VR2 | Squelch |
VR3 | FM Deviation (modulation) |
VR4 | Carrier Balance |
VR6 | TX Frequency |
VR7 | ALC |
VR8 | RF power meter |
VR9 | Final Bias |
VR10 | Driver Bias |
VR11 | TX Power |
L1 | Noise blanker |
L2 | Noise blanker |
L3 | I.F. 1st stage |
L4 | I.F. 2nd stage |
L5 | FM sense |
L6 | RX (1st stage) |
L7 | RX (2nd stage) |
L8 | RX (3rd stage) |
L9 | RX (4th stage) |
L10 | RX (5th stage) |
L11 | RX (6th stage) |
L12 | RX (7th stage) |
L13 | RX (8th stage) |
L14 | RX (9th stage) |
L16 | Loop mixer |
L17 | VCO |
L18 | VCO output |
L20 | AM loop frequency |
L21 | USB loop frequency |
L22 | LSB loop frequency |
L23 | AM offset frequency |
L24 | USB offset frequency |
L25 | LSB offset frequency |
L43 | TX mixer input |
L44 | TX mixer input |
L42 | TX mixer output (1st stage) |
L41 | TX (2nd stage) |
L30 | TX |
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