Test equipment required:
Power Supply: 13.8 V DC, Volt Meter, Oscilloscope, Frequency Counter.
Preparation for alignment: Clarifier Center, RF Power Clockwise, VR205 and VR206 Center, Remove PB 201.
Adjustment Procedure
1. RX AM,27.405 MHz, Connect the DC Voltmeter to TP2, Adjust L405 for 2.5 +/- 0.1 V.
2. RX AM, 26.965 MHz, Adjust L405 for more than 2.0 V.
3. TX AM, 27.205 MHz, Connect oscilloscope to TP1 Adjust L401 for 37.900 MHz +/- 20 Hz.
4. RX AM, Check that the reading is the same as Step 3.
5. TX FM, Check that the reading is the same as Step 3.
6. RX FM, Check that the reading is the same as Step 3.
7. TX USB, Connect oscilloscope to TP1 27.205 MHz Adjust VR211 for 37.9025 MHz +/- 20 Hz.
8. RX USB, Check that the reading is the same as Step 7.
9. TX LSB, Connect oscilloscope to TP1 27.205 MHz Adjust L402 for 37.8975 MHz +/- 20 Hz.
10. RX LSB, Check that the reading is the same as Step 9.
11. TX AM, 27.205 MHz, Connect oscilloscope to TP3 Adjust L406 for10.695 MHz +/- 20 Hz.
12. TX FM, 27.205 MHz, Check that the reading is the same as Step 11 .
13. TX USB, 27.205 MHz, Connect oscilloscope to TP3, Adjust L408 for10.6975 MHz +/- 20 Hz.
14. RX USB, 27.205 MHz, Check that the reading is the same as Step 13.
15. TX LSB, 27.205 MHz, Connect oscilloscope to TP 3 Adjust L402 for10.6925 MHz +/- 20 Hz.
16. RX LSB, 27.205 MHz, Check that the reading is the same as Step 15.
17. RX FM, 28.755 MHz, Same as Step 1, check that the reading is less than 4.2 V.
18. RX USB, 26.065 MHz, Same as Step 1 Check that the reading is more than 1.2 V
Test equipment required:
Power Supply: 13.8 V, SINAD Meter, Oscilloscope, AM/FM SSG (AM: 1 kHz 60% Mod.) (FM: 1 kHz 1.2 kHz Deviation)
Preparation for alignment:
NB/ANL Off, HI CUT Off, SQUELCH Counter clockwise, Volume Clockwise, RF Gain Clockwise, Clarifier Center, Frequency 27.185 MHz.
Adjustment Procedure
1. AM, Adjust L17, L2, L6, L7, L11, L12, L13 for maximum reading on the AF VTVM (60% Mod.).
2. FM, Adjust L16 for maximum reading on the AF VTVM (1.2 kHz Dev).
3. AM, SSG: 40dB (50uV, No Mod) Adjust VR4 for a reading of "S 9".
4. AM, SSG: 66dB (1mV, No Mod) Adjust VR2 so that the AF level just appears.
5. USB, Adjust L15 and L14 for maximum reading on the AF VTVM.
6. USB, SSG: 40dB (50uV, No Mod) Adjust VR3 for a reading of "S 9".
7. USB, SSG: 66dB (1mV, No Mod) Adjust VR1 so that the AF level just appears.
8. USB, Set Oscilloscope to DC range and adjust L1 to reach max. reading.
9. AM, 26.065 MHz, SSG: 10dB 60% Mod. Check that level is more than 20 dB SINAD.
10. AM, 28.755 MHz SSG: 10dB 60% Mod. Check that level is more than 20 dB SINAD.
Test equipment required:
Power Supply: 13,2 V DC, Current Meter, Oscilloscope, RF Power meter, RF VTVM, AF Oscillator, FM Linear Detector, Dummy Load (50 ohm), AF VTVM.
Preparation for alignment:
VR208 Clockwise, VR205 and VR 206 Middle position, VR207, VR201, VR202, and VR 203 Counterclockwise, Mic gain Clockwise, Meter SW RF SWR/CAL, Volume Middle position, RF Power Clockwise, Test frequency 27.185 MHz.
Adjustment Procedure
1. LSB 27.185 MHz, No Mod, Remove PB201, Connect a DC ammeter to TP202 (+) and TP203 (-) Adjust VR203 for 330 mA.
2. Connect a DC ammeter to TP202 (+).and TP201 (-) Adjust VR201 for 85 mA.
3. LSB, 27.185 MHz, Two-Tone, Connect a DC ammeter to TP202 (+) and TP201 (-) Adjust VR202 for 170 mA, Re-install the PB201.
4. LSB 27.185 MHz, Set the AF-oscillator to Two-Tones, 400 Hz and 2500 Hz with an output modulation level of 1 mV, Adjust L221 for maximum on the RF VTVM .
5. Change the AF oscillator to 30 mV Modulation level, Adjust VR208 for 25 V on the RF VTVM.
6. SSB 27.185 MHz, No Mod, Adjust VR209 so the carrier leakage on LSB and USB are at the minimum level possible and equal.
7. AM 27.185 MHz, No Mod Adjust VR205 for 3.9 Watt on the WattMeter.
8. AM 27.185 MHz, No Mod Adjust VR204 so you get a reading of "S 9" on the RF Meter.
9. AM 27.185 MHz, Inject a 1 kHz 30 mV signal, Adjust VR207 for 90% Mod.
10. AM 27.185 MHz, Adjust VR213 for a reading of "S 9" on Modulation Meter.
11. FM 27.185 MHz, No mod, Adjust VR206 for 3.9 Watt on the WattMeter.
12. FM 27.185 MHz, Inject a 1 kHz 30 mv signal, Adjust VR212 for +/- 1.9 kHz Deviation.
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