President Harry Alignment Procedure

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Carrier Oscillator Portion

Test equipment required:

Power Supply: 13,8 V, Oscilloscope, Dummy Load, Frequency Counter,

Preset to channel 40.

1. MODE: TX, FM, Connect Oscilloscope to TP1 and adjust L702 for 4,5V +/- 0.1V.

2. MODE: RX, FM, Adjust L701 for 4,5V +/- 0.1V.

3. MODE: TX, FM, Connect the Freq. Counter to Ant. jack and check that the frequency reads 27.405 MHz /- 20 Hz.

Receiver Portion

Test equipment required:

Power Supply: 13,8 V, RF Signal Generator, AF Signal Generator, Oscilloscope, Dummy Load 8 ohm load.

Preset radio to channel 19

1. MODE: AM, Mod: 1 kHz, 60% SSG output: 0dB (0.5mV) Adjust L1, L2, L3, L4 for maximum output reading on the Oscilloscope.

2. MODE: AM, No Mod, SSG output: 1000uV RT1 Adjust so that the 4th LED lights.

3. MODE: AM, Mod: 1 kHz, 60%, SSG output: 1000uV SQ: Max. Adjust RT2 so that the squelch just breaks.

4. MODE: FM, Mod: 1 kHz, +/- 1,5 kHz Dev, SSG output: 1000uV SQ: Min. Connect Oscilloscope to TP1 and adjust L1 for 4.5 V +/- 0.2 V reading on the Oscilloscope.

Transmitter Portion

Test equipment required:

Power Supply: 13,8 V, RF Power Meter, Deviation Meter, Oscilloscope, Audio Oscillator, Dummy Load.

1. MODE: FM, No Mod. Adjust L203 for maximum output reading on the RF Power meter

2. MODE: FM, No Mod. Adjust RT201 so that the 4th LED lights

3. MODE: FM, Mod: 1 kHz-30 mV, Adjust RT202 for +/- 2 kHz FM-Deviation

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