1)Remove top cover.
2)Behind the numder pad there are 2 black jumpers on a small board.
3)Move both of them from pin 1&2 to 2&3.
4)Find another jumper spot behind the channel display.If there is no jumper
there then you can either put one ther or solder to 2 pins together.
5)Close up the radio and turn on.
6)Use the #1 buton to change bands.
RV1-RF Power Meter adjust
RV2-Squelch Level adjust
RV4-AM Carrier adjust
RV5-Modulation adjust
RV7-Modulation Meter adjust
RV11-13.8 Volt
RV12-S-Meter Adjust Both AM and SSB.
RV14-SSB ALC adjustment.
RV50-Clarifer Center adjust
Remove small transistor under fm board next to diode D24 (between Q30 and D24).
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