No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
Radio Make and Model: Expo Phantom Communicator
PCB Number: ptbm048
PLL Number: 02A
Test gear available: Digital multimeter, SWR/power meter
Symptoms: No tx SSB and no RX AM
What is working:All else functioning
What has been tried:Visual check for dry joints.
Did it suddenly happen ?: Purchased in this condition, some time ago.
Anything else that may be of help?: No, sorry.
PCB Number: ptbm048
PLL Number: 02A
Test gear available: Digital multimeter, SWR/power meter
Symptoms: No tx SSB and no RX AM
What is working:All else functioning
What has been tried:Visual check for dry joints.
Did it suddenly happen ?: Purchased in this condition, some time ago.
Anything else that may be of help?: No, sorry.
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
not familiar w/this radio...sounds like a euro model...probably has an american version...but i can tell from these 02a pll's you mention that these are very old radios, i think.
do you have am tx? do you have ssb rx? sounds like more than 1 issue here. also, when you say no rx, do you mean no sound, no signal, lo signal? be more specific on that.
and when you say no ssb tx, have you ruled out mic audio?
to me, those are starting points you must cover.
do you have am tx? do you have ssb rx? sounds like more than 1 issue here. also, when you say no rx, do you mean no sound, no signal, lo signal? be more specific on that.
and when you say no ssb tx, have you ruled out mic audio?
to me, those are starting points you must cover.
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
Hi 222, same board as super panther, bengal, american electronics etc single board 02a but, has inbuilt swr meter as well and is 18 channel aussie version and yes old. It has modulation on am so I guess not mic audio and PA works, I adjusted ct1 and ct2 by ear using another set ( it was way off frequncy clarifier all the way clockwise for correct freq) and got it close enough. Yes has tx on am but no rx (no signal) and rx on usb/lsb no tx (no power), so opposite problem depending on mode. I was thinking there must be something am and ssb have in common, could it be the mode selector (shot in the dark). Your help is much appreciated.
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
i was about to suggest you checking out the mode switch, when i see you mention in your last sentence. i would clean mode switch, then "play with" switch to see if you can get any am rx or ssb tx action at all, if you haven't already tried that. and again, please flex pcb to see if you get any (intermittent) action there. i can see how either of those 2 things could concievably be common to both issues you report, which seem unusual. also, when you say you adj. the 2 trimmers to get on freq, are you saying you adj'd both in order to get am tx on freq? and have you checked regulators? sounds like you need align locales & procedures? do you have such? i'll take a look/see if i have anything, while waiting 4 your reply. i don't think i've even ever seen an 18 ch rig. although the "bengal" name reminds me of maybe an old "pearce-simpson". surely a cybernet chassis. let me go look..
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
Hi 222, the mode switch is not an enclosed unit so I sprayed it with wd40 and splashed it with isopropyl and gave it many turns back and forth to no avail. No I adjusted the CTs to get usb/lsb rx on freq is all, besides, I cant hear anything on am to adjust by ear, no rx on am, I got it on ebay some time ago and I reckon somebody tried to fix it by turning all the pots inside, hence ssb rx being so far off freq. 18 channels is the allocation we had while you guys had 23 and then 40 channels we followed with 40 later on, this link will explain it if you are interested I do have some manuals and schems for O2A cybernet chassis on the computer, but they don't have inbuilt swr meter like this radio.
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
john..i understand the 18 ch aussie radio deal, as i got myself up to speed on that aspect. so i assume radio is '77-'80 model. i'll tell ya..i've got alot of files & books, but could find no reference at all to any "phantom communicator". nor could i find any reference on cbtricks, nor on any of several internet searches...nothing!? what's up with that? also, you also mentioned am. electr., but see no ssb radios there. also you mentioned something about panther & bengal, which were names of ssb, base & mobile pearce-simpsom rigs, but i don't think those are what you are talking about.
anyway, i advise you strongly to never spray wd-40 in a radio. good for squeaky, rusted doors, but not sensitive electronics. trust me. i had a very bad learning experience with that very product a long time ago, where it was used in and ruined a radio. i was blamed for it, even tho it wasn't me who did it, but a temporary "associate". as well, isopropyl alchohol, while it probably helped to remove the petroleum distallates residues from the wd-40, is also not a good thing at all to introduce to electronics. reason being that isopropyl, to my knowledge, is normally about 20-30% water. electronics don't like water too well. i promise you that both these preparations are bad for radios. what you want to use is electronic contact cleaner, and not the type with any lubricant added, as that leaves an oily residue. contact cleaner can be quite expensive, esp. in joints like crap...i mean radioshack, but if you check out the auto parts retail stores, where the canned chemicals are, like carb cleaner, brake cleaner, starting fluid, etc., and you look very carefully, you should find electronic contact cleaner. GC (i think it is) makes many of these chemicals & a good contact cleaner, and here you will likely find the cheapest price anywhere. i get a lg. like 15 oz can for about $6.
that said, i still think if there were an issue with the mode sw. that you would've "seen something" even with what you sprayed in. (although it is not ruled out, as a possible bad switch) but not likely.
the ssb units i looked at didn't appear to have any ct2, so likely diff. if the paperwork you have is same except for meter, then it should be very useful, but i believe there were many different cybernet ssb 02A chassis' so that fact in itself, wouldn't be enough.
*did you check any regulators? you should.
*also, does this radio have a relay for switching? if so i believe that would need checking out.
*did you do the "flexing test"...looking for any intermittent action?
*and i would check all the wiring, from the switches & pots
i even did a search for the make & model as you listed it, and for that chassis pcb #, via the sam's photofax index, but nada....
anyway, i advise you strongly to never spray wd-40 in a radio. good for squeaky, rusted doors, but not sensitive electronics. trust me. i had a very bad learning experience with that very product a long time ago, where it was used in and ruined a radio. i was blamed for it, even tho it wasn't me who did it, but a temporary "associate". as well, isopropyl alchohol, while it probably helped to remove the petroleum distallates residues from the wd-40, is also not a good thing at all to introduce to electronics. reason being that isopropyl, to my knowledge, is normally about 20-30% water. electronics don't like water too well. i promise you that both these preparations are bad for radios. what you want to use is electronic contact cleaner, and not the type with any lubricant added, as that leaves an oily residue. contact cleaner can be quite expensive, esp. in joints like crap...i mean radioshack, but if you check out the auto parts retail stores, where the canned chemicals are, like carb cleaner, brake cleaner, starting fluid, etc., and you look very carefully, you should find electronic contact cleaner. GC (i think it is) makes many of these chemicals & a good contact cleaner, and here you will likely find the cheapest price anywhere. i get a lg. like 15 oz can for about $6.
that said, i still think if there were an issue with the mode sw. that you would've "seen something" even with what you sprayed in. (although it is not ruled out, as a possible bad switch) but not likely.
the ssb units i looked at didn't appear to have any ct2, so likely diff. if the paperwork you have is same except for meter, then it should be very useful, but i believe there were many different cybernet ssb 02A chassis' so that fact in itself, wouldn't be enough.
*did you check any regulators? you should.
*also, does this radio have a relay for switching? if so i believe that would need checking out.
*did you do the "flexing test"...looking for any intermittent action?
*and i would check all the wiring, from the switches & pots
i even did a search for the make & model as you listed it, and for that chassis pcb #, via the sam's photofax index, but nada....
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
Here are some pics to prove it exists
As you can see it is plainly a mostly standard ptbm048 board with usual common garden variety pll02a chip, also used in the Apollo radios we had out here (I forget the number but they had SWR feature in em as well). If it is any help on the back plate it says made for Expo International, and, it is made in Japan.
As you can see it is plainly a mostly standard ptbm048 board with usual common garden variety pll02a chip, also used in the Apollo radios we had out here (I forget the number but they had SWR feature in em as well). If it is any help on the back plate it says made for Expo International, and, it is made in Japan.
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
john..i'm pretty sure you do, but i want to make have what's avail. on this from
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
Service and Alignment, Parts Layout and List, and Schematic Diagram to suit the following Cybernet radios: Philips SSB2001; Super Panther Mark I and Mark II; Super Bengal Base; Apollo Mark I, Phantom Communicator; Karinna KSB-18; HMV Road Hound; Expo Bushranger; Dick Smith Hornet Mark I; Dick Smith Scorpian Base; American Electronics; Signet; Electrophone (certain models); General Electric A model; Tedelex Base and Mobile; Kraco KCB-1301
Hi 222, yes I have it from VKHAM, thank you.
Hi 222, yes I have it from VKHAM, thank you.
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
ok cool...and do i underst correctly that the g.e. radio is approx same chassis?
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
Hi 222, no, the GE I have is the B-model twin pcb (back to back) same board as GE super base but in a mobile transceiver. As far as I know the following were the only radios ever made with this twin board.
U.S. SSB, PTBM080/085COX, PTRF003/004/005DOX
Dak Mark X: {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
G.E. 3-5825B: {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
5875A (SuperBase): {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
Midland 78-574: {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
Midland 78-999: {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
Midland 79-891: {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
SBE LCBS-4: {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
The GE A model was the common 02A PTBM048AOX, PTB058COX Like the panther , bengal and communicator.
U.S. SSB, PTBM080/085COX, PTRF003/004/005DOX
Dak Mark X: {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
G.E. 3-5825B: {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
5875A (SuperBase): {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
Midland 78-574: {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
Midland 78-999: {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
Midland 79-891: {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
SBE LCBS-4: {L209, L212, L214, RV9-AMC, RV201-ALC, RV#-SSB MIKE GAIN, VR4-AM PWR}
The GE A model was the common 02A PTBM048AOX, PTB058COX Like the panther , bengal and communicator.
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
ok..i guess i got confused a bit there...maybe cuz i saw the A (aussie?)and the B (on the end) and must've misread that page from that aussie site info you have...mkham or whatever that was...thinking i had seen the model you noted, as being 1 of that same bunch of chassis'. i remember when i 1st saw the model # you noted, thinking "that doesn't look right"....because old memory was telling me many of those g.e.'s started w/35-xxx, but no letter in front, so then i figured it must be an aussie thing...then must've read #'s wrong on mkham.
anyway, my main concern was that you had the info & paperwork of the caliper that site has. (they seem to be like "the only ones on the planet" to have that particular stuff, so you're lucky there..).
since i made that mistake on the numbers, i'm not positive, but i'm thinking you have the same good info & drawings from those guys, for the correct g.e. if so, you should be all set, given enough time & if you stay away from the wd40 & isopropyl. circuitry design & troubleshooting is my weak point, so you may likely be ahead of me there...but i still will stick to my suggestions as to being "the best bets" in general, esp. re: the phantom. you haven't said 1 way or the other, as to checking wiring, flexing for intermittents, regulators & relay (i didn't look close at drawings, but didn't notice relay).
also, those schematics looked very good quality to me & contained tons of test point voltages & pinout voltages, so i think you should be able with diligence, to track it down with just your multimeter. everything was well marked on those drawings, so just look for am rx & ssb tx circuits and test all voltages you can find. don't look for anything common to both, as 1 will lead you to the other if it is common, but it sounds like seperate issues to me.
but those other above items should get checked 1st. please let me know if you make any progress, so i can note. sorry i couldn't be more help than that.
anyway, my main concern was that you had the info & paperwork of the caliper that site has. (they seem to be like "the only ones on the planet" to have that particular stuff, so you're lucky there..).
since i made that mistake on the numbers, i'm not positive, but i'm thinking you have the same good info & drawings from those guys, for the correct g.e. if so, you should be all set, given enough time & if you stay away from the wd40 & isopropyl. circuitry design & troubleshooting is my weak point, so you may likely be ahead of me there...but i still will stick to my suggestions as to being "the best bets" in general, esp. re: the phantom. you haven't said 1 way or the other, as to checking wiring, flexing for intermittents, regulators & relay (i didn't look close at drawings, but didn't notice relay).
also, those schematics looked very good quality to me & contained tons of test point voltages & pinout voltages, so i think you should be able with diligence, to track it down with just your multimeter. everything was well marked on those drawings, so just look for am rx & ssb tx circuits and test all voltages you can find. don't look for anything common to both, as 1 will lead you to the other if it is common, but it sounds like seperate issues to me.
but those other above items should get checked 1st. please let me know if you make any progress, so i can note. sorry i couldn't be more help than that.
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
Hi 222, tomorrow I plan to make radio day (Sunday) I will try the things you have suggested and report any findings or lack of... and frustrations . Thanks again.
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
Hi, this radio is on the bench ATM and I have CRO can anyone gove me some pointers please, thanks.
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
Hmmm, the band mode switch looks new compared to other switches and I did see some the same kind of switch in an electronics store the other day, come to think of it.
I have the radio hooked up to a dummy load and external speaker, when I key the mike on SSB, a screech comes through speaker and the same noise when I switch (mic unkeyed) from AM to SSB, is it possible someone replaced the mode selector and wired it wrong and then sold it on Ebay, to me?
I have the radio hooked up to a dummy load and external speaker, when I key the mike on SSB, a screech comes through speaker and the same noise when I switch (mic unkeyed) from AM to SSB, is it possible someone replaced the mode selector and wired it wrong and then sold it on Ebay, to me?
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
Hi all, now have TX on all modes, the band switch was installed upside down and whoever did it mixed up the red wire with the green one, still no RX on AM though, I really thought I had it, back to the drawing board, I guess.
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
hey now,
good find!
seems we both had lots to say about the mode switch, early on, but who would think... was replc'd & installed wrong?, AND (apparently...) initially had no working spkr. with which to hear telltale squawking (lesson there..?) haha..
i'll bet you're spending extra time looking for something else possibly missed, that might be associated with the replcm't of that switch..
thanks for posting your findings so far.
good find!
seems we both had lots to say about the mode switch, early on, but who would think... was replc'd & installed wrong?, AND (apparently...) initially had no working spkr. with which to hear telltale squawking (lesson there..?) haha..
i'll bet you're spending extra time looking for something else possibly missed, that might be associated with the replcm't of that switch..
thanks for posting your findings so far.
Re: No RX AM, no TX SSB Phantom Communicator
The most common problem in old radios is the drying of capacitors, review and change it if possible