I understand the processor is special but surely by now someone would have 'cracked it' and can use a replacement. Anyone please. It would mean a lot to me. Cost not a problem. Just want to do it.

What about engineers?other techs watching
They use a mask programmed ROM with a PLL in the same package.They don't use ROMs but PLL synthesiser ICs.
Absolutely. We make them here: USB (that's Universal Serial Bus, not Upper Sideband!) programmable PLLs with 400 channels and 3 offsets for TX/RX/SSB.I guess it is possible to put multiband PLLs in place of the fixed PLLs
Correct again. It requires expert programming and installation.Not usually pin for pin compatible
For throwing a few extra channels in a CB, it's not worth the cost or expense.any comments anyone? pretty please
Yes, it can be done. The screen capture I showed earlier was where we used one to do a 10 meter conversion - look closely at it...it is possible to convert this CB to operate in the 10m ham band as an FM rig
That's a rough "guesstimate". You are looking at a 30 year old radio - component aging and screwdriver jockeys take their toll.but at a cost of some $300
Aussie dollars, we are located near Sydney, Australia. Where is Gisborne? In the UK?Is that US dollars?
There are people around that can do it, I've supplied about a dozen regulars worldwide with these.and who do I talk to?
Found it in Wiki. Nice view from the hill overlooing the river / harbour...OK Gisborne is in NZ
That'll clear any legality type issues.and I'm a licenced ham
Again, that's a good sign. CB experts (the "swing kit" crowd) are your radios worst enemyThe rig has never been abused/modified
That's quite normal. For changes such as customising a chassis for a particular country or reseller, it's cheaper than redesigning a PCB and junking thousands of existing ones.but I noticed sometime after I bought it that there were some board mods with components on the reverse side.