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Mirage 88 freq counter reads wrong only on one band

Posted: Friday 16th Oct 2009, 11:05
by booger351
Radio Make and Model: Mirage 88
PCB Number:
PLL Number:
Test gear available: volt meter, freq counter (for testing, not in-line.)
Symptoms: If the radio is put on one band above the reg 40 the freq counter reads off on am, fm, and usb, but reads correct on lsb

What is working: everything else seems to work all other bands read correct, and the radio is on frequency on all bands.

What has been tried: Have not done any testing or tried anything to fix it

Did it suddenly happen ?: recently bought it so I don't know
Anything else that may be of help?:

Re: Mirage 88 freq counter reads wrong only on one band

Posted: Saturday 1st May 2010, 2:10
by Warf135
Are you positive that the radio IS on frequency correctly on all bands and all modes? If the frequency counter is reading correctly on all other bands, and on LSB on the "bad band" is also reading correctly, then it would appear that the frequency counter is working correctly.

If possible either test the counter on another radio, or test your radio with a known good frequency counter.