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Lousy Ground Plane- Best Antenna????

Posted: Tuesday 10th Aug 2010, 16:39
by philipswanson
I am running a Cobra CB model 29 NW ST with an RFX 75 on a 1977 GMC motorhome. These coaches are all aluminum and fiberglass. What is the best bet for an antenna that can handle the increased power and lousy ground plane combination. No steel anywhere except the frame.

Thanks, Phil

Re: Lousy Ground Plane- Best Antenna????

Posted: Saturday 12th Mar 2011, 23:13
by ghce
standard 1/4 wave whip but lay self adhesive aluminium tape on your fibreglass roof to act as a groundplane either that or a 5/8 whip. personannly I would my self use the 1/4 wave .
